Articles [General Reference]

Bauhaus Bauhaus logo created in 1922 by Oskar Schlemmer Facade of the Bauhaus building in Dessau The Bauhaus is an institute of arts and crafts founded in 1919 in Weimar (Germany) by Walter Gropius, and which by extension means an artistic...

The Bauhaus Dessau Bauhaus building in Dessau After the dissolution of the Bauhaus in Weimar, several cities in Germany offer to host the Bauhaus. The choosing of the Bauhaus masters Dessau. One reason for the choice of the industrial city of...

Drinking occassionaly is right or wrong In India most new youth start drinking from small age and some start after graduation but why they start drinking because of following #He see his father drink daily then his eagerness increase that why...

Microelectronics and medical imaging are bringing us closer to a world where mind reading is possible and blindness vanished. But we may not want to live there.Case I: Nancy, an airline pilot, arrived promptly for a routine physically. She was...

There is no point in blaming Cong or BJP. Cong is the prime culprit which seized the power from British in the disguise of giving it the people and established the pseudo Nehru- Gandhi Dynasty. Some times keeping their puppets before and sometimes...

Khap Panchayats issuing fatwa to kill two lovers, Mullahs decreeing a woman to become wife of rapist father in law, Communalization of very thought process, Patriarchy and castes embedded in our minds, no reorganization to individual rights or...

Love is a feeling of mind that creates a pleasant sensation in mind. After birth a newborn loves warmth, sucking breast, feed, fullness of stomach, mom’s face, light, sound, gradually love goes on expanding… toys, dad, relations, friends, home,...

Do you think Rahul Gandh is best choice for Indian PM. Who should be next prime minister of India. I filter 5 person Sonia Gandhi Manmohan Singh Rahul Gandhi Menka Gandhi Rahul Mahajan As per my point of view Manamohan singh is best among...

National integration means combining all the people of the nation into a single entity, both politically and culturally. India is a vast country. Since the ancient times people belonging to different races, languages, religions, casts, creeds and...

  The Bhopal gas tragedy which is ranked as one of the worst human tragedies in the world. If it has to be called a tragedy it is one in the truest sense of the term. Now the question one should be asking oneself is whether the very accident....

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