How to improve our village
In village, most of the students, can’t able to continue their studies because of finance problem. What shall we do for them? Its difficult but possible if we try.Yes its possible.
For that first we have form one team or group with interested persons and then group members should try to collect money in all possible source from others for this.
It is possible Friend.
As many villages practice agriculture need more agricultural entrepreneurs to look into villages, especially with organic foods becoming a growing industry.
Adult education is also important, that’s one way in which we can curb child labor with a bit of disappointment, I have to say that not many of my friends here would bother with these matters, they are more into intellectual outsourcing.
If you have you old bicycle, please give it to children who actually needed, after my course I am planning that only.
At the weekends we can teach math’s, science like subjects, to them, if you are far from your village, go to the nearest village from your place with your friends and you can do this.