Articles [General Reference]

The power of silence can bring peace to any situation. The instruments for the power of silence are pure thoughts and pure feelings. We can give others an experience with the power of our silence. When we understand and experience the power of...

It is not necessary that you have a perfect personality. The lack of essential elements in your personality can hinder in your development and success. The following measures if taken can change your personality entirely • The first step is to...

Contentment truly works as both the foundation and the final stage of a soul filled with spiritual powers. A contented soul never says, "This should happen, or this should not happen..." but stays flexible. Nothing is unattainable for a...

  The Central Government has finally decided to initiate the process of granting statehood to Telengana region of Andhra Pradesh. The Home Minister has made an announcement to this effect. It was obviously done to avert bloodshed on this highly...

Power cuts are a very common feature in India.  In some cases it is not justified, but more often than not power cuts are justified.  Power cuts are enforced because the State is not able to generate power or there is a shortfall because of...

How to kill pig to eat his meat. I have seen to killing pig in city where I study my graduation and matriculation. When I saw how they kill pig I heartily crying to see it They kill pig following way. 1. He use sharp knifes to kill...

How to care your wife to increase happiness in life. 1. Daily say good morning and good night. 2. Make breakfast on Sunday. 3. Go to restaurant for lunch or dinner every month or every week depend upon pocket money. 4. Make tea if its holiday...

One area where most people adopt a indifferent approach is while talking over telephone. There are people who speak continuously over phone without bothering about a person waiting for him and in the other case there are people who do not want to...

  Britian is popular for its love of creatures, but the British Parishioners dislike bats for various reasons. The Bat Nuisance : Bats rear their offspring in the rafters of the old churches. They make a terrible mess of alters and pews....

  A FAULT CONFESSED IS HALF REDRESSED A human being is neither an animal nor an angel, but a creature that holds a place between them. The animals lack the power to think properly and to differentiate between good and bad. But, being a rational...

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