Articles [General Reference]

  Physicians Heal Thyself!   Many of us must have been struck by a news item in all the leading dailies of the country and it is somewhat innocuously tucked away in a page of the newspaper but you read the news between the lines and finally...

BIOMASS GASIFICATIONBiomass gasification means incomplete combustion of biomass resulting in production of combustible gases consisting of Carbon monoxide (CO), Hydrogen (H2) and traces of Methane (CH4).  This mixer is called producer gas. ...

      The role of wit and humour in our mundane life is very important to relieve tension and stress- a part and parcel of modern life and living. But how many of us possess this rare of gift which could be a potent weapon in you verbal armoury....

Hi friends in this article let us discuss about a very serious issue and this is not very easily accepted in India and the article is about Death sentence in India. India is a Democratic country and not very often we see a person being hanged for...

Friendly letters Letters to relations and intimate friends should be written in an easy, conversational style. They are really of the nature of friendly chat; and, being as a rule unpremeditated and spontaneous compositions, they are informal and...

This organ of the UN is located at The Hague in Holland. The international court of justice is for all countries. It is also called the world court. It is the judicial organ of the UN. The court has its permanent headquarters at The Hague,...

The central part of the plateau lies between the two big rivers of the south, the Narmada and the Krishna. The Narmada and the Tapis rivers flow into the Arabian Sea. The Krishna and the Godavari rivers flow into the Bay of Bengal. The part of the...

  As i see everyone here fighting as Hindu vs Muslim or North India vs South India or Marathi Vs Hindi is there anyone who says I love India and only India I am very Proud to say that i born in this great land and want to Die for my mother land....

  The Subjectivity,Objectivity And Our Media   The existence of a free press is a sine qua non for any functioning democracy and India, being the largest democracy, can not afford to have any fetters put on its press and media. Looking at the...

  Time For the Old Order To Yield To New!   The domination of older people, be it in politics or government is a spectacle very common in India at a time when the picture is completely opposite in the Europe and other countries. It is undeniably...

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