Articles [General]

The largest whale, the blue whale, grows about 30 meters long. Some of them weight more than 120 tons, while the normal weight of an elephant is not more than seven tons. A whale two or three tons of food at a single meal. Whales are the largest...

One possible categorization of knowledge is the common way that introduces Science as a distinct knowledge body. It is worth noting that this common categorization is no way the only possible categorization but for reasons unknown to me it has...

Walt Disney said, ``there are more treasures in books than al the pirates’’ loot in Treasure Island … and best of all, you can enjoy these riches every day of your life’’ Here are some little –known facts on books a) The world’s first printed...

  There can not be an iota of doubt that the abnormal growth of population in India is the mother of many of our problems and our success and failure on this front would ultimately decide our survival. Even a cursory glance at the conditions of...

  With the advent digital technology and electronic format , there were apprehensions and doubts about the survivability of the traditional book form as a medium for publication in some quarters. Although there are many who firmly believe that...

when Issac Newton discovered the law of gravity, then what exactly did he discover? Apples keep falling from trees. He added three words which had existed before in the English vocabulary, and coined the term, 'Law of Gravity'. Is there such a...

Do you need a professional resume that is guaranteed to land you a job interview? This 1,500-word article is a detailed, in-depth guide to writing a resume, with tips for building the resume, writing a cover letter, and obtaining personal...

A HOUSE ON FIRE                                              It was all well when I returned home after the night-show. The wind was a bit stronger. The city was slumbering under the blue starry sky. I lay down on my bed with peasant thoughts...

Every good school has a hostel attached to it for the residence of teachers and students, coming from distance place. Our school also has such a hostel. It consists of a long one-storied building of twenty rooms open on all sides. Once of these...

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