Articles [General]

Should India allow sex education in every school? Something like sex education deserves discretion. I have a reason when I say so. India is still bounded by tradition and if sex education is imparted to students belonging to such a social...

How to improve Higher Education in India Education is something about learning and learning is directly related to interest and interest comes in something if by doing that we enjoy. In Indian education the biggest drawback is that whatever we...

The California gray whale returns California gray whales making a comeback. They have been protected from bidding from more than 20 years, and that is and has been encouraging and then recognize in the population. What embedded these greatest ways...

    DDT DDT is a pesticide that caused long-term ecosystem damage through biomagnification. Introduction Many species of insects are problematic for humans. Some are disease carriers. The Anopheles mosquito (Figure 1) transmits Plasmodium, a...

The Power of a Tsunami Tsunamis are destructive waves that endanger the lives of coastal residents. Introduction Just a few days after Christmas 2004, an undersea earthquake in the Indian Ocean produced a series of gargantuan waves that...

    Coral Reef Conservation Coral reefs are complex ecosystems that are endangered by human activity. Introduction Coral reefs are some of the most colorful and diverse ecosystems on Earth. The structures of reefs are large and impressive, but...

While a dog is said to be man’s best friend, there’s nothing said about cats. Man’s relationship with cats has been strange, for they have been loved and hated by him. But one thing is certain-cats have always been considered useful. In ancient...

Nature gives us a variety of fruits and flowers. The fruits are not only delicious but nutritious. Have you tasted a papaya? Papaya has its origin in Mexico. It is said that this fruit spread to all parts of the world from there. Papaya fruit is...

  The issue of conservation of wildlife has been rightly gaining the kind of attention and importance it deserves. The environmental and conservation issues have to be linked and viewed in the backdrop of rapidly depleting wildlife habitat and the...

  Every time our government decides to hike the prices of petroleum products we just go hysterical overlooking the fact that someone somewhere has to bear the burden of mounting import bills on crude petroleum. It is interesting to note the...

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