Articles [General]

Sex education in school I think sex education in school is necessary. To minimize the sexually transmitted diseases and the crimes. Instead of people learning from magazines and internet, they should be taught in school.. So that people won't...

A person who is using sometime become dependent on computer what you think , depending on computer is right or not. As human mind make the computer, not the computer make the human so if a person become dependent on computer , no problem 4 that a...

  The importance of experience in our lives is invaluable. Education that we receive in schools, colleges and universities help us in gaining knowledge . But gaining knowledge itself hardly helps one in tackling the myriad of problems that we...

Me being a IT student, its important for me to learn lots of computer courses. IT companies usually see what additional qualities or knowledge a person has, before actually hiring him. So, I went on the internet to search for some courses that...

What is the reason All person do not get chance to make his career bright As per my point of view I take conclusion from my thoughts. 1. They are not confident from beginning that they can achieve it. 2. Family support does not get that is big...

  The role of micro-finance in a country like us is tremendous and in a society where a vast section of the populace is condemned to a subhuman living micro-finance can a go a long way in significantly reducing the number of poor people. It can be...

Teacher is a simple man and intelligent fellow. He is hard working and sincere, takes his duties seriously. Always has a smile on his face. He is very clean in habits, inspires a sense of fair play and has a good personality. First, he gives a...

  Today is 6th December and it is just not a like a day and a date like any other day and this is the date of 1992 that would go down in the history of Independent India as day of national shame. This is day on which the Babri Masjid crisis...

  Democracy defined Democracy is undoubtedly the best form of government. What else can be better than people deciding for themselves? Abraham Lincoln defined democracy as the Government of the People, by the people and for the people. Thus...

  The focus of attention of the people from all corners of the globe is on Copenhagen , the venue for the UN Climate Summit which has the single most important business in its agenda viz., to find a way forward to prepare the road-map for the...

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