Articles [General]

“Man is by nature a social animal and he who is unable to live in society, or who has no need because he is self sufficient, must either be a beast or God.” The above thought provoking statement is of Aristotle, the famous Greek Philosopher. It...

    What is culture? Is there any precise definition? We come across the use of this word very indiscriminately. To a large section of the people it represents a broad spectrum of artistic and literary activities. It is not that easy to bring out...

Education means systematic and well planned training for the development of children and the lesson of systematic life is learnt at first in the family. Hence the drawbacks and demerits of the family leave an impact upon children. Children are...

Be help full A teacher once grave his students a big meal. The happy students sat down, and the food was served on banana leaves. They said their prayers. They were about to eat when the teacher said, `Wait, my dear students. Here is a small test...

Clowns and funny men all over the world people with their dress and sticks. A clown makes his audience laugh. Laughing makes people forget sorrow. It helps them face their problems. How does a clown make us smile at troubles? The clown always...

  Those of us who are extremely disturbed and concerned over the state of health of our mother earth should be breathing easy over the Himalayan blunder committed by the UN climate agency , Panel on Climate Change ( IPCC) in its grim forecast that...

The financial system plays a very very important role in the development of an economy. It is very much like the lubricating oil for the economy, to help it function smoothly. Hence it would not be wrong to se that what role is played by blood...

The proverb ‘Necessity is the mother of invention’ holds true for computers also because computers were invented as a result man’s search for a fast accurate calculating device. The first calculating device was abacus invented by Egyptian around...

We all have studied/ still studying for a better life ahead but do you think the things we are studying/ studies plays any important role in shaping us as an individual? Does this have any genuine impact in your career or in future? As an...

In a smaller nationwide survey ("What Do People Think of Us?" 1997), respondents split exactly 50-50 on the big question of whether or not vocational education was for high school students who didn't plan to go to college. However, respondents had...

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