Articles [General]

This are some of the basic tips to save electricity which usually get ignored, but can save upto 30% electricity: - Set the temperature of your airconditioners to 25 or 26 degrees. - switch off your mobile phones at night or when you go to...

  Looking at the global warming phenomenon the causes over which environmental experts are yet to arrive at any consensus, one thing is unmistakably clear. That the unusual and excessive accumulation of CO2 in the atmosphere is one of the...

It took many thousands of years to make a book which looked even a little like a book as we know it! The Egyptians were the first to make paper from a reed called papyrus. Using black, dirty water as ink, the Egyptians wrote poetry and stories in...

Education is essential to every man. An uneducated man loses much his life. But in developing and underdeveloped countries the percentage of educated people is still low. This is the main reason for their backwardness. India is one such...

On May 3rd after 2 years of hostility and volatile relations, India and Pakistan announced that they were resuming full diplomatic ties and that ambassadors would soon be appointed for each nation. Since the division of the nations in 1947 there...

As a suicide is a very deep, very sad human tragedy, public discussion of suicides is expected to be careful and cautious. Unfortunately, this caution has not been observed in the case of so important an issue as farmers’ suicides in India, with...

The sangam literature whose age can safely be assigned to 200 B.C. circa reveals the high excellence of the many sided Tamil culture. the renowned Tamil Academy was establised by the Royal house of the Tamil poets activities of historical and...

  Doing CA is tough as all of us know. People get bored and tired doing the studies of CA but as every thing has two sides postive and negative CA also . Studies are hard but some days are great where we enjoy a lot and have lot of fun. While...

Now a days students has so many offers to improve their knowledge through learning different courses to study, but the main thing is students are falls in dilemma to choose the course that he or she want' s to study. There are so  many courses...

Open System Interconnect (OSI) is defined as the reference model used for network and troubleshooting. Computer manufacturers like IBM, Dell, Apple, HP, Acer. An OSI model has seven layers namely: *Physical layer. *Data link layer. *Network layer....

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