Articles [General]

Media Access Control (MAC) address: *MAC address is a protocol used in data link layer. *The data will be in the form of FRAMES. *It is an unique address which is hard printed in all networking devices. *MAC address can be a physical address or...

  Acquried Immune Deficiency Syndrome AIDS is a disease caused by a virus called as HIV which affects the immune system of the human body. Human body has a control mechanism to fight against diseases called as immune system. The white blood cells...

When people commit crimes, they should be punished. But punishing crime is not the best way to stop. The best way to stop crime is to prevent it. Preventing something is stopping it before it happens. We need to understand why people commit crimes...

How to go to device manager in windows vista? 1. windows logo ---- control panel---- device manager. 2. windows logo ---- start serach---- type "devmgmt.msc". 3. computer---- right click---- properties--- devie manager. How to check ipaddress...

There are certain error codes in device manager and also symbols which are as follows: "x" ---- denotes the device is disabled. "?"---- denotes failed installation. "!" --- denotes IRQ (Interrupt Request Question) conflict. ERROR CODES: CODE...

Terminology used in network are as follows: (a) Unicast: unicast is defined as connection between two computers i.e. between a computer and a server. (b) Multicast: multicast is defined as connection between many computers i.e lan or voice chat...

The most important aspect of our life is how we think.  But we give the least importance to it. The way we think is the single largest factor in building up of our personality and character.  It is applicable to every sphere of our life, including...

Usually children are employed as shepherds or to take care of younger children, in the cities, they are employed most often as the domestic help, mechanics, carpet weavers, and waste collectors, cleaners in restaurants, beedi makers and in cracker...

The job of a teacher is more taxing than that of a software programmer of any factory worker. As society in general and probing students in particular get more demanding it is loves labour- mental and physical lost. More and more teachers today...

Can you imagine a society without knowledge, a state without profession, a country without talent? This is all, what is happening in India. The greatest reason for creation of such an environment is BRAIN DRAIN. Brain Drain, in simple words,...

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