Articles [General]

One student named Adithya asked his teacher, what is nano technology? Appreciating the student’s energy in asking such a specific question the teacher said that the nano technology is a new form of technology which makes things simpler. Teacher...

Do you really save water? This question must arise in each and every human being. The importance of water saving will be felt when there is war between countries for water.  Statistics says that the availability of water is very limited. Unless...

Many animals are ill treated by their owners. Animals such as cows, buffalos, horses and donkeys are whipped cruelly by their masters to get the work done. Horses are often made to run faster than their strength allows. Donkeys and camels are...

Global warming The earth’s surface is warmed by the sun and radiates heat back into space. Gases such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, methane and CFCs in the atmosphere trap some of this heat, and warm the lower atmosphere. The atmosphere...

The coastline of eastern South America and West Africa could fit together like pieces in a jigsaw. The match was noticed in the 17th century. However, it was not until 1912 that Alfred Wagener proposed that all the land masses of the world had...

  Nomination is an important facility which every person should be knowing while opening any account with a bank just to obviate a lot of hassles and a costly legal process in case of death. There are many instances where it is found that due to...

  Education should be the bedrock on which we build our characters and which go into building the character of the nation. Looking at the present education scenario, we need to ask ourselves whether we have achieved in imparting that kind of...

Soil erosion is a process in which the washing away of the fine and fertile top most layers of the soil covers occurs by natural agents.   Interface: Man interfered and did over-grazing by animals, deforestation, faulty agricultural...

  Films play a great role in the mind of students. It may be useful or useless depending upon the movie. We should make the films for education. It makes many miracles in student’s life. Students read and hear about many things in the class...

I am a commerce student and i have morning lecture.It was today thursday we had 4 lectures in college. As always i couldnt attend the first as i got late but reached at 8 am so that i can attend the second. Second lecture was of advertising. Sir...

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