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Regarding your feelings about Prabhu I support you because I had pointed it then and there itself in a discussion.

Regarding GD it was the toughest GD after my entry to Boddunan.Moderators pass a closing message at the end of the date prescribed and thread remains open to post the views of new comers also.So I don't think keeping it open is wrong.Since moderators were in vacation the message didn't come and posting continued.

But as you pointed out Jobin did something extra.In his sense it was for perfection.But to others it may not digest easily.

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Thanks Gurujee, for your kind advice, attention and concern.


1.My intention behind my last post under GD was, just to say thanks to Siddharth for his excellent summary of GD, but it was not part of my discussion posts under GD. I know Siddharth is one of our editor, hence I took to his attention regarding abnormal behaviour (Under the same GD) of one of the fresh member. I am not aware that Abid has already started a fresh thread to expose it.

2. I feel it is good / will be nice to maintain some decency, when some one deals with or refer about the other members.
Discipline cannot be complete without decency.

with regards to all.

Sridhar Kesireddy
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