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15 years ago
These weblinks submitted on two different date. 5 submitted on 26 june and other 5 on 27 june. so 5 link should be rejected not 9. ok fine let us left the topic.
Thanks for your support.
Thanks for your support.
Santosh Kumar Singh
15 years ago
I dont understand by double standards are being used in answering my questions by moderator.
When asked earlier in other thread about the rejection, the moderator gave some other answer.
Here some other answers are being given by the same moderator.
Thanks to Jobin he has clarified my doubt. Moderator should have given the same clarification earlier itself to reduce the confusion.
Moderator has to learn from members like Jobin who have expressed the clarification so well which is self explanatory.
When asked earlier in other thread about the rejection, the moderator gave some other answer.
Here some other answers are being given by the same moderator.
Thanks to Jobin he has clarified my doubt. Moderator should have given the same clarification earlier itself to reduce the confusion.
Moderator has to learn from members like Jobin who have expressed the clarification so well which is self explanatory.
15 years ago
@Jayen, please read the question before making such comments on other members and moderators. The other topic and the issue with the weblink in that topic you mentioned is not related to this one.
Such blind replies are not useful to anyone except making some points to you.
Such blind replies are not useful to anyone except making some points to you.
When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick
15 years ago
Jayen Maveric Sir is right you do not fire to Moderator directly on forum. Maveric Sir is our boss so boss happy then God Happy Boss sad then God sad.
Santosh Kumar Singh
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