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15 years ago
COOL BOY wrote:
[quote]maverick i am an active member somewhat but my posts are not much to get payment . maverick for us we are students if we get money fast we get excited to work hard . maverick is it possible for me to get payment this time? i wanted it. maverick why not make minimum payment to 1000 or 500 by boddunan who write article daily.[/quote]
Does your earnings cross 750? If yes, I can review your request but being active on forums is a must.
[quote]maverick i am an active member somewhat but my posts are not much to get payment . maverick for us we are students if we get money fast we get excited to work hard . maverick is it possible for me to get payment this time? i wanted it. maverick why not make minimum payment to 1000 or 500 by boddunan who write article daily.[/quote]
Does your earnings cross 750? If yes, I can review your request but being active on forums is a must.
When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick
15 years ago
Rajani K wrote:
[quote]Well i agree with all the members to reduce the amount to 500/- as it will be encouraging for junior members like us...to work more...Though i am still a way back for receiving payment i thing its very hard to acheive the present amount 1500/- in short span.. :([/quote]
As an active member, you can claim your payment when it reaches Rs.750. I think 750 is not hard to achieve.
[quote]Well i agree with all the members to reduce the amount to 500/- as it will be encouraging for junior members like us...to work more...Though i am still a way back for receiving payment i thing its very hard to acheive the present amount 1500/- in short span.. :([/quote]
As an active member, you can claim your payment when it reaches Rs.750. I think 750 is not hard to achieve.
When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick
15 years ago
@ Maverick :
What about my status sir? can i know will it be compulsory for me to reach 1500 threshold amount to get my first payment?
What about my status sir? can i know will it be compulsory for me to reach 1500 threshold amount to get my first payment?
15 years ago
Maverick wrote:
[quote]As most of you said, there is an early payment option available which you can use after reaching Rs.750 however you need to be active on forums.
Hello Maverick,
Atleast for the first payment for the new members, you can think of not considering the activity in forums so that they can get their payment fast and it will encourage them to work more for this site.
[quote]As most of you said, there is an early payment option available which you can use after reaching Rs.750 however you need to be active on forums.
Hello Maverick,
Atleast for the first payment for the new members, you can think of not considering the activity in forums so that they can get their payment fast and it will encourage them to work more for this site.
15 years ago
@Rashmi, please try to achieve Rs.750 mark along with active on forums.
@Meean, I will think about that.
@Meean, I will think about that.
When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick
15 years ago
yeah maverick its over 750 it has reached 900 maverick and i am writing more articles and trying to be more active on forums maverick.
15 years ago
Yes I think the higher the payment threshold more will be the active participation among the members. So current scheme is right. But Meen's idea is thoughtful and can be implemented.
15 years ago
i agree with meean
first cheque shd be issue at around 500/- which will motivate new joinee...and they will work more efficiently
then second cheque could have threshold of 2000/-
first cheque shd be issue at around 500/- which will motivate new joinee...and they will work more efficiently
then second cheque could have threshold of 2000/-
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