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13 years ago
Yes you all are right I think new url will not get traffic and link so traffic will also disturbed.
Santosh Kumar Singh
13 years ago
'Boddunan' name is okay as identity is by this. Moreover' Information creates wealth' Logo explains all about the site.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
13 years ago
[quote]Mohammad Alam wrote:
Ram Change is the natural thing and it must be change if there is no change then we feel bore and dislike everything.
If so, why can't you change your name Alam, you have been using it for so many years? Can you change it????
Our name itself is our identity. We can't change it, just for the sake of another one. [/quote]
Name is given when we are child and we need not change it .It is a respect to them.
Ram Change is the natural thing and it must be change if there is no change then we feel bore and dislike everything.
If so, why can't you change your name Alam, you have been using it for so many years? Can you change it????
Our name itself is our identity. We can't change it, just for the sake of another one. [/quote]
Name is given when we are child and we need not change it .It is a respect to them.
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