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14 years ago
I agree that it is moral responsibility of every member that they post meaningful thread but we should also keep in mind the estimate loss of knowledge we may suffer at the newbies expense and also the contest motivates the new members to post new threads so they can get revenue share.
The best possible solution I can think of would be to make some forum threads sticky which are really helpful. Some forum threads can be kept sticky for a week and then can be replaced by other helpful forum thread. I also think that announcements by Maverick should be made sticky too for some time so that every sees that what is going on!
Anyways these are just my 2 cents!
The best possible solution I can think of would be to make some forum threads sticky which are really helpful. Some forum threads can be kept sticky for a week and then can be replaced by other helpful forum thread. I also think that announcements by Maverick should be made sticky too for some time so that every sees that what is going on!
Anyways these are just my 2 cents!
14 years ago
Your suggestion is good i hope this can bring quality to forum post..And if I am right already important post and announcements made by Maverick are made sticky ..you can observe it.
Your suggestion is good i hope this can bring quality to forum post..And if I am right already important post and announcements made by Maverick are made sticky ..you can observe it.
14 years ago
Congrats Abid, that was indeed a point to bother because sometimes I see almost all news headlines as threads but no way, we have to bear some husks with the grains. Members themselves should understand.
14 years ago
Thanks sir for encouraging . Your words are true . This type of restriction will minimize the zeal of new people in this site.
14 years ago
Thanks friends for all these responses.I think some threads are to be locked immediately to save other threads.Today itself I saw a thread on Commonwealth game came in front.So Maverick may consider locking the unwanted threads .
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14 years ago
I think Maverick hadn't looked this thread.Hope the old threads will also be locked soon.
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14 years ago
Thank you for sharing the information, keep posting more and more
Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
14 years ago
Congratulation abid......
You are right Abid.. and thats a wonderful idea too...
:side: :side:
You are right Abid.. and thats a wonderful idea too...
:side: :side:
14 years ago
Thanks to Sarala and Ravi Shankar Prasad.Let them be discussed.
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14 years ago
hello friend i did not have any idea about it so i cannot comment on that it is not my opinion.
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