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Through adsense will we get money for our article? Don't it be needed to click by any one on the ads published there?
Thanks for information.Have you noticed the hit on old articles of Boddunan ? Many of them have very low hits.Do you think article written now will be checked after six months by many people to get the author the adsense revenue? When it gets approved just begin posting is better than wasting time now.

Visit my blogs:
Lubna K P wrote:
[quote]Through adsense will we get money for our article? Don't it be needed to click by any one on the ads published there?[/quote]

We get Adsense money only when any visitor clicks on the google ads. Some are high paying ads and some are low paying ads. So we should write articles on high paying ads.

Cool information and hot earnings @
Dear Anbul Adsense will show ads in your article and when some one read your article still you make some money but it is very very less but if your article is interesting then there will be very good ads and may be clicked by reader then you make little big money.
Dear abid I have experienced about adsense.
As you said who will read our article after six month, when the site get approved from adsense revenue Google will also will promote us.

Right now we have limited readers in our article but when once it approved from adsense means we will be getting new member here and when lot of member means lot many page impression once it goes upto high level automatically search engine will bring to our article if key words are related in search engine and in our article.

Suppose I am searching for Safety On line banking in google search engine then google will bring the top sites where these key words have been used.

So we will be getting definitely good reader then.

I have my personal experience I am getting good money due to this from another site
Hi Moderator,

You says you are getting good money from other site.Why don't you reveal it for the members of boddunan or the way it works ?
Dear Anbul if you are hard working then you can earn money from any site.
who are really paying, because Boddunan is India's No-1 paying site but still we have only 1% active members from our total member
Being a platinum member is more a matter of honor than income. As a matter of fact, writing cannot be independent profession for most. Most of us are either employed gainfully in various jobs/ professions are may be students. Article writing and writing in forum is more a hobby than source of income. Income if any is incidental and cannot be main object.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

All Aim is to earn money with nice work that is the reason we all are here so you do not write that do not concentrate on money.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Santosh Kumar singh- I believe you are a software engineer and your main income may be from that profession. You are a good writer. I hope you earn more from software engineering and writing is just a hobby though may earn some additional income as well. many of our members get a cheque of Rs. 1,000/ approximately once in two or three months. Definitely, this is not main source of income. writing is more a hobby than persuit for income.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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