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locking is not better because the new members then can't discuss about the old matters which are sometime good for knowledge. thats why i also look for old discussion where i get so many interesting points which i was never know before .
There are so many knowledgeable members in this site and even if one good new topic is posted by each of the members everyday then such situations might not arise. I think members should be responsible enough to post some good topics so that the enthusiasm of the forum section is maintained. One thing I would also like to add is that to win the daily forum activator award creating new topics is equally important to posting replies!!!
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May be some members believe too firmly in the old proverb that 'old is gold'! It's a glodmine to score points!!!
locking is not better because the new members then can't discuss about the old matters which are sometime good for knowledge. thats why i also look for old discussion where i get so many interesting points which i was never know before .

I agree that new members should read old topics. But they should write a new post only if they have something new to add.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I think the leader board and daily forum activator award are to be modified with some criteria then.

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I think the leader board and daily forum activator award are to be modified with some criteria then.

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