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Just adding some more information to it.

In earlier times, The brahmin applied a white chandan mark signifying purity. The kshatriya applied a red kumkum mark.The vaishya wore a yellow kesar or turmeric mark.The sudra applied a black bhasma, kasturi or charcoal mark.Vishnu worshippers apply a chandan tilak of the shape of "U," Shiva worshippers a tripundra of bhasma, Devi worshippers a red dot of kumkum.

The Tilak have medicinal and protective functions. The pastes applied, gives cooling effect to the body.The Tilak bestow spiritual comfort and protection against demons, bad luck, and other evil forces. The place where we put Tilak is called Aajna Chakra and it gives concentration of spiritual energy on the forehead between the eyebrows.

The tilak is applied with the prayer -
"May I remember the Lord. May this pious feeling pervade all my activities. May I be righteous in my deeds."

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
Thats a very wonderful and clean explanation Kumaresh....

Thanks for adding more information here :)

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Thanks 'n' Regards,
Thanks a lot for your appreciation..

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
Very creatively thought question. But difficult to answer.

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Thanks Kumaresh for the nice information! :)

And thank you Deepti once more for another pearl of wisdom!! :)

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Thanks very much Kalyani....

There is a small story actually behind this of me doing a sort of investigation regarding these customs.... :)

This started with the present custom of "Tilak custom"

My uncle was very strict in this custom. When I was small, he used to scold me and my cousins if we forget to put bindi. He used to take it very seriously.
One day I cried as he scolded me ;) Then my mom explained me and told that putting bindi on my forehead would help me and not others. Thus from that day I was just wondering why we have customs and whats the reason behind this!!!!


Thanks 'n' Regards,
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