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12 years ago
Hi Robert..That's the suspense...so today is your birthday.
Happy birthday yaar...enjoy
Thanks a lot Sandy, I am celebrating birthday with Boddunan for the first time. Thanks one and all.
Born to express, not to impress.
12 years ago
Mary, you have wished me, started a thread for me and sent a greeting card too. Here is a virtual delicious cake for you.
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 10093]}
Where's my cake, man? You have given this cake to Mary only. And how about us?
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 10102]}
Here's your gift!
Thank you very much Abhijit. I am much happy with your precious gift. Here is the cake for my friends over here.
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 10104]}
Thanks a lot friend. Now it feels much better. I am sure others will also join in to celebrate. ;)
12 years ago
Many many happry returns of the day have a en-joyful birthday.
Thanks Sasikanth. I am at office at present. I am leaving to my hometown today.
Born to express, not to impress.
12 years ago
Many many happry returns of the day have a en-joyful birthday.
Thanks Sasikanth. I am at office at present. I am leaving to my hometown today.
Ok Robert now you can enjoy your birthday at your home town happily as it is also weekend. Two parties in one night.
Earn money just for joining in this site.
12 years ago
Many many happry returns of the day have a en-joyful birthday.
Thanks Sasikanth. I am at office at present. I am leaving to my hometown today.
Ok Robert now you can enjoy your birthday at your home town happily as it is also weekend. Two parties in one night.
I will be reaching hometown at 10:30PM. no parties. My mother will be so happy that is why I'm going there.
Born to express, not to impress.
12 years ago
Many many happry returns of the day have a en-joyful birthday.
Thanks Sasikanth. I am at office at present. I am leaving to my hometown today.
Ok Robert now you can enjoy your birthday at your home town happily as it is also weekend. Two parties in one night.
I will be reaching hometown at 10:30PM. no parties. My mother will be so happy that is why I'm going there.
Oh this is really bad so no party for today so you can enjoy tommorow. :cheer: :cheer:
Earn money just for joining in this site.
12 years ago
Happy B'day to you Robert- I wish you lot of happy and wonderful experiences in your future life. All the best.
Thank you said by: RobertP
12 years ago
Wish you all the best on birthday Robert
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
Thank you said by: RobertP
12 years ago
happy birth day to you Robert and wish all your success in future.
Thank you said by: RobertP
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