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12 years ago
SJ.. You can save those important contact number online.. Google have provided all the option. No need of paper if internet is there.. ha ha
OK I will do that. :)
But that's true this technology will make us a robot one day. :laugh:
Don't get fear my dear ,it saves time and money also.
12 years ago
RAM.. I don't know, but one of my cousin used to store his contact number on his google account, and whenever he synchronize his google account with his mobile, all contacts automatically stores in its mobile. Quite useful.
SJ.. Ha ha , Not robot, they do lots of stuffs for humans... So.
SJ.. Ha ha , Not robot, they do lots of stuffs for humans... So.
ANDROIOS: http://androios-tweaks.blogspot.com
12 years ago
[quote]RAM.. I don't know, but one of my cousin used to store his contact number on his google account, and whenever he synchronize his google account with his mobile, all contacts automatically stores in its mobile. Quite useful.[/quote]
Then it is a useful option. Can you say details about how we can keep all numbers in google.
Then it is a useful option. Can you say details about how we can keep all numbers in google.
12 years ago
SJ.. You can save those important contact number online.. Google have provided all the option. No need of paper if internet is there.. ha ha
OK I will do that. :)
But that's true this technology will make us a robot one day. :laugh:
Don't get fear my dear ,it saves time and money also.
But that would be harmful for us if everything get automated as there would less jobs left for us. :)
12 years ago
SJ.. You are quite correct on that.. It is already affecting this way.
RAM.. My cousin used store his mobile contacts in Google. I don't know about it.. I will tell you after knowing from him.
RAM.. My cousin used store his mobile contacts in Google. I don't know about it.. I will tell you after knowing from him.
ANDROIOS: http://androios-tweaks.blogspot.com
12 years ago
SJ.. You are quite correct on that.. It is already affecting this way.
RAM.. My cousin used store his mobile contacts in Google. I don't know about it.. I will tell you after knowing from him.
i remember we used to have many people for data collection and analysis but now these days as we have just one computer for data recording and analysis but now its been easy to present and analyse data. :)
12 years ago
SJ.. You are quite correct on that.. It is already affecting this way.
RAM.. My cousin used store his mobile contacts in Google. I don't know about it.. I will tell you after knowing from him.
i remember we used to have many people for data collection and analysis but now these days as we have just one computer for data recording and analysis but now its been easy to present and analyse data. :)
The way in which hackers are creating havoc in the net world should tell all one thing. Nothing, practically, nothing is safe on the web and any other gadget depending on the net. In the joy of comforts and ease there is a risk of losing everything in a single sweep. Remember 96000 Yahoo passwords were stolen by hackers recently.
12 years ago
SJ.. You are quite correct on that.. It is already affecting this way.
RAM.. My cousin used store his mobile contacts in Google. I don't know about it.. I will tell you after knowing from him.
i remember we used to have many people for data collection and analysis but now these days as we have just one computer for data recording and analysis but now its been easy to present and analyse data. :)
The way in which hackers are creating havoc in the net world should tell all one thing. Nothing, practically, nothing is safe on the web and any other gadget depending on the net. In the joy of comforts and ease there is a risk of losing everything in a single sweep. Remember 96000 Yahoo passwords were stolen by hackers recently.
But that happens occasionally otherwise its lot more easy and convenient to use computer for saving data and analysis than to manually string it on paper. :)
12 years ago
SJ.. You are quite correct on that.. It is already affecting this way.
RAM.. My cousin used store his mobile contacts in Google. I don't know about it.. I will tell you after knowing from him.
i remember we used to have many people for data collection and analysis but now these days as we have just one computer for data recording and analysis but now its been easy to present and analyse data. :)
The way in which hackers are creating havoc in the net world should tell all one thing. Nothing, practically, nothing is safe on the web and any other gadget depending on the net. In the joy of comforts and ease there is a risk of losing everything in a single sweep. Remember 96000 Yahoo passwords were stolen by hackers recently.
For this we should change our password frequently.
12 years ago
SJ.. You are quite correct on that.. It is already affecting this way.
RAM.. My cousin used store his mobile contacts in Google. I don't know about it.. I will tell you after knowing from him.
i remember we used to have many people for data collection and analysis but now these days as we have just one computer for data recording and analysis but now its been easy to present and analyse data. :)
The way in which hackers are creating havoc in the net world should tell all one thing. Nothing, practically, nothing is safe on the web and any other gadget depending on the net. In the joy of comforts and ease there is a risk of losing everything in a single sweep. Remember 96000 Yahoo passwords were stolen by hackers recently.
For this we should change our password frequently.
Yes Ram ji, you are correct. We have to change our password frequently but not a repeated one.
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