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12 years ago
First of all, no rule has been mentioned for consequtive posts. Secondly I have not submitted similar posts. Both the posts are different and they are neither a continuation of the first one nor duplicates of the previous posts. It is ok.
it's a rule Devu...
we can't post double posts.......it's against rules
You can quote a reply and respond it, no problem.....yet not more than 2-3 quotes continuously...
otherwise you need to wait for someone else post.....
we can't post in the same thread 2-3 replies continuously......particularly, within minutes.....
otherwise you can wait for a few minutes and respond :whistle:
Hoping you won't mind :cheer: :P
No even break of minutes is not allowed. wait unless some one else has posted or maybe a few days later if a special reason is there.
Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
12 years ago
First of all, no rule has been mentioned for consequtive posts. Secondly I have not submitted similar posts. Both the posts are different and they are neither a continuation of the first one nor duplicates of the previous posts. It is ok.
it's a rule Devu...
we can't post double posts.......it's against rules
You can quote a reply and respond it, no problem.....yet not more than 2-3 quotes continuously...
otherwise you need to wait for someone else post.....
we can't post in the same thread 2-3 replies continuously......particularly, within minutes.....
otherwise you can wait for a few minutes and respond :whistle:
Hoping you won't mind :cheer: :P
No even break of minutes is not allowed. wait unless some one else has posted or maybe a few days later if a special reason is there.
yes, if you want to restart a discussion again.....or if some query of yours went unnoticed.... :)
Meera sandhu
12 years ago
No, it hasn't ! I still write and would continue to do so! :P :P :P :P
12 years ago
i don't have that habit.I think I can write well on paper as well as with keyboard.
Sharmistha Banerjee
12 years ago
I like to write and it may be pen and paper or through keyboard,no problem.
12 years ago
Friends now a days we don't use pen and paper so much. Most of the work is done on computers. This is eco-friendly.
Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
12 years ago
Friends now a days we don't use pen and paper so much. Most of the work is done on computers. This is eco-friendly.
it's true.....
a good point quoted :) :)
Virtual pages have reduced the consumption of paper pages a lot.
Now since, in most organizations they use computers for data input, storing and manipulation, not only time consumed is reduced, but also paper usage is reduced considerably.
earlier, one person need to search for hours to get a file. now it's not the case
Meera sandhu
12 years ago
Friends now a days we don't use pen and paper so much. Most of the work is done on computers. This is eco-friendly.
it's true.....
a good point quoted :) :)
Virtual pages have reduced the consumption of paper pages a lot.
Now since, in most organizations they use computers for data input, storing and manipulation, not only time consumed is reduced, but also paper usage is reduced considerably.
earlier, one person need to search for hours to get a file. now it's not the case
And to top it all once you have written some thing on internet, that is yours for ever. No water, Air or fire can destroy it. That becomes "Amar" for ever as as said Lord Krishna in Gita. :)
12 years ago
I like to write on paper, even write letters sometimes to my two children who are away, so that the habit remains , more so now since we are slowly getting out of the habit of writing.However, in India at least the government offices make sure that you keep up the practice since you get to fill forms and stuff, sometimes several pages of them, for any kind of service that you may require of them...
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
12 years ago
Government departments have their own websites and you may fill forms online. The practice of pen and paper will gradually diminish and end.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
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