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13 years ago
Today, I have reached the last lap towards the emperor throne. Hoping I x=can get it in 1 week. If so, I will be completing it in 5 months...a new record!!!!!! ha ha
Rocking performance.
If am able to complete it within June 10, then it will be a record of five months :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Yes sandhya go on you have still 8 days reaming................ :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
13 years ago
Today, I have reached the last lap towards the emperor throne. Hoping I x=can get it in 1 week. If so, I will be completing it in 5 months...a new record!!!!!! ha ha
Rocking performance.
If am able to complete it within June 10, then it will be a record of five months :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Yes sandhya go on you have still 8 days reaming................ :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
now you can do it before 10 as from tomorrow your daughter will be in school so you will get more time i guess.
13 years ago
Yes as she is concentrating more on articles than forums to earn some fast money.
This could be reason. Articles give cash and points but forum posts are not increased. Thus, Sarala may lose the race for 'emperor' to Sandhya Rani.
But she will be winning 'cash' credits :P :P
So, she is going to be the ultimate winner :woohoo: :woohoo:
Absolutely cash is what matters and Sarala is going to be ultimate winner then. :whistle:
But may be she will not win in the race to become an emperor. :laugh:
Have you read my post written for you?
By June 10, it will only be 5 months, not 6
Yes i read it .It will be great work by you if you achieve it in months. No one can do it so fast. :whistle:
13 years ago
I think you can also do it but you have no time. I can see you have become slower in last few days.
13 years ago
Sandhya is very near to the 10000 posts only she is having opportunity to achieve this one.
Earn money just for joining in this site.
13 years ago
Sandhya is very near to the 10000 posts only she is having opportunity to achieve this one.
I want to reach there within 1 week. It's my present target. Let me see if you help me with your quick responses :P :P :P
Meera sandhu
13 years ago
I think you can also do it but you have no time. I can see you have become slower in last few days.
Yes from last few days i am being much online due to my net connection which did not work yesterday. I have just complained about it hope it settles in 1~2 days.But being an emperor in 5 months is like impossible for me.Suny i wish you could do it i know you can break the record. :whistle:
13 years ago
Sandhya is very near to the 10000 posts only she is having opportunity to achieve this one.
I want to reach there within 1 week. It's my present target. Let me see if you help me with your quick responses :P :P :P
That's an awesome achievement, Sandhya!! Great going!!!
"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)
Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
13 years ago
Sandhya is very near to the 10000 posts only she is having opportunity to achieve this one.
I want to reach there within 1 week. It's my present target. Let me see if you help me with your quick responses :P :P :P
That's an awesome achievement, Sandhya!! Great going!!!
Actually I want help from all of you in the form of quick responses to make it fast. :cheer:
Meera sandhu
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