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13 years ago
No doubt.It will be you Sandhya Rani to reach this next.But can you name the first to reach this mile stone?
Was it you????
Why the doubt?
Visit my blogs:
13 years ago
No doubt.It will be you Sandhya Rani to reach this next.But can you name the first to reach this mile stone?
Was it you????
Why the doubt?
So Gulshanji completed it second.
When did you both complete it?
You are the first emperor. If I become the first empress, same pinch :pinch: :laugh: :laugh:
Meera sandhu
13 years ago
But it is not shown in ABID profile but it will shown definetely in yours.
Earn money just for joining in this site.
13 years ago
But it is not shown in ABID profile but it will shown definetely in yours.
Now it's shown in Chinmayjee's profile only. Both Gulshanji and Abid'ji' are moderators
Meera sandhu
13 years ago
Yes Chinmoy jee is not a moderator so it is shown to us.
Earn money just for joining in this site.
13 years ago
You are right.So first emperor and empress from God's own country.All the best Sandhya.
Visit my blogs:
Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
13 years ago
And what about my chance? :laugh:
Sandhya you have more chances to become emperor first.The way you are heading it looks you will become in the next month itself. :whistle:
Sandhya you have more chances to become emperor first.The way you are heading it looks you will become in the next month itself. :whistle:
13 years ago
And what about my chance? :laugh:
Sandhya you have more chances to become emperor first.The way you are heading it looks you will become in the next month itself. :whistle:
But more chances are for Sarala, definitely. But nowadays she is very busy with her blogs :huh:
Meera sandhu
13 years ago
As forums are bored for her so she is not showing interest in forums.
Is forum really boring???
I don't feel so. May be because I was absent for a couple of weeks :huh:
Meera sandhu
13 years ago
And what about my chance? :laugh:
Sandhya you have more chances to become emperor first.The way you are heading it looks you will become in the next month itself. :whistle:
But more chances are for Sarala, definitely. But nowadays she is very busy with her blogs :huh:
I saw it few days back all five articles dispalyed on the home page were of Sarala.She is trying to make fast money by writing articles it looks. :)
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