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basheer first check status of that article,if article is in approved status then wait for 2 -3 days.
you already submitted this article ..
why u further doing same thing again..
Basheer you article should be approved by the Boddunan people, then it will be displayed in the article category.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

First type the content in a notepad.Save the content.Click the "Submit An Article" icon found in the left hand side of the page.Paste the content from the notepad.check for spelling.Provide a title and then click on the submit button.
Prasad ji, article shows 'pending status', I want to 'submit' the article. But how ?
ya it means you already submitted your articles ...
it will not apporved yet ,
wait 2 or 3 days.
aur chek daily your status...
Uptil the cash is credited the status would be pending only.Later it would be changed to "Approved" status.
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