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11 years ago
I had a thread about words that we can type only with the right hand or the left hand. So, I know what the stuff is. But couldn't get there. I guess, it will take time to search manually.If it is yours posting then from "My Topics" from there you can find yours desired post.
The search can be minimised if you search in that particular category in which you have posted the thread.
I am getting confused between two categores and am not able to recall which one that was. But yes, the topic was started by me and I remember some people who responded there as well. I tried to go through my topic, but will do it again as Mohanji just pointed out above.
Though the search becomes lengthy, try it with patience. You will find your thread.
11 years ago
Please see the following link. This is about typing with one hand only.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
11 years ago
Old threads are either locked or deleted from the site. Abhijit think about the new posts. Old posts have gone.
11 years ago
Old threads are either locked or deleted from the site. Abhijit think about the new posts. Old posts have gone.
The post is neither deleted nor locked. I have given the link in preceding post. Just see that.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
11 years ago
Old threads are either locked or deleted from the site. Abhijit think about the new posts. Old posts have gone.
Threads are locked but not deleted from the site. :blink:
I think the search tab is the only way to find out the old threads. :)
11 years ago
Old threads are either locked or deleted from the site. Abhijit think about the new posts. Old posts have gone.
Threads are locked but not deleted from the site. :blink:
I think the search tab is the only way to find out the old threads. :)
I have already searched and posted. Please see the previous posts.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
11 years ago
Friends just tell me. What is the use of old posts if you can't edit it or continue its reply? I feel it is better to start a new thread.
11 years ago
I have searched the require post and given link in my preceding post in this thread itself. If the concerned member requires this, his problem is over. Hence locked.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
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