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Yes,we shouldn't take it seriously.Not to worry about it. If someone,didn't like you,that person may have reduced your karma. But ignore and don't look at it. These are just mere things.

Want to make each day Accountable

Gulshan ji we can reduce or add karma for every 6 hours.we can do 3 times in a day.

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yes sasikanth is right we can reduce or add karma for every 6 hours

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Sarala whatever be your Karma, I like you in boddunan. You are one of the best member of this site. You work with dedication. I can feel what's going on in your mind regarding this. Reduing Karma is not good but at the same time we know you are good.
Yes devayani sarala is a good member to us in this site.I want her not to feel about this.

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Sarala, Dont worry and just PM marverick about the issue if you think someone intentionally deducing the karma. But one can only do it once in a day so observe it and then report.
yes Rajani but one can reduce karma thrice a day

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Yes sarala one can reduce karma thrice in a day.

But when they are having 2 or 3 accoutns means he can reduce karma easily.

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No one can have more than 1 account in boddunan. if they have boddunan will block those accounts.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

No you cant say that many members will have account but they use different ip address then how it will be possible to block.

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