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Try this link also to
Download IE9 (Internet Explorer 9)

Vijay U
Thank you for this information I downloaded it today and will give my feed back latter here.
Thanks for your feedback Sajee.

You are welcome Rupali and do drop your feedback here for others to know for sure.

Click the below link for news which you can use:NeWsYoUCaNUsE
Thanks for the link,Ashok and Jayen. I will give the feedback after i use it a couple of times. :) :)
Hey thanks even I want to know the feedback and response. :) :) :) :)
I heared that IE 9 wont work with XP. Is it true. I want to clarify it. Anyone reply.

Vijay U
Thank you for your appreciation on this post and will try to bring such more news to you. Till then do keep commenting as your feedback is important for improvisation. :)

Click the below link for news which you can use:NeWsYoUCaNUsE
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