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11 years ago
This is strange being banned from the cricket and the person who cheated lots of fans is being given so much hype. In my opinion its not a good idea. :dry:He was already in a dance show in some channel, he was banned from cricket not from his right to earn, if he plays cricket somewhere else and earns money that is always questionable. :whistle: :whistle: the matter is still subjudice.
Exactly he has the right to earn but that's strange how can someone promote the person who played with the feeling of the fans. I am not against his being inclusion in BB but still this is questionable why he is selected despite there are lots of celebrities in India. :)
11 years ago
Why he was banned from cricket? For his dishonesty and immoral activities. Such a person despite his past history BB has given a chance in its realty show. I very much doubt the channel's moral standards.
Thank you said by: Sanjeev Gupta
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