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12 years ago
Manmohan Singh is the wisest. He knows that silence is best and golden. He speaks when appropriate in parliament and at other forums. Those who ridicule him stand nowhere.
Whether Moni Baba's deafening silence is golden or made of some other baser metal we have to wait for judgment of history but his critics have enough success in exposing his government's soft underbelly!!
History judges nothing. It is aptly said that history is written by sword and not pen. History is written and rewritten based on who is the winner.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
12 years ago
Manmohan Singh is the wisest. He knows that silence is best and golden. He speaks when appropriate in parliament and at other forums. Those who ridicule him stand nowhere.
Whether Moni Baba's deafening silence is golden or made of some other baser metal we have to wait for judgment of history but his critics have enough success in exposing his government's soft underbelly!!
History judges nothing. It is aptly said that history is written by sword and not pen. History is written and rewritten based on who is the winner.
Never rubbish history like that, Sirji! Hitler, Pol Pot and even Mrs. Indira Gandhi learned the lessons of it - the cruel way!!!! "Those forget history are condemned to repeat it" !!!!!!
12 years ago
Manmohan Singh is the wisest. He knows that silence is best and golden. He speaks when appropriate in parliament and at other forums. Those who ridicule him stand nowhere.
Whether Moni Baba's deafening silence is golden or made of some other baser metal we have to wait for judgment of history but his critics have enough success in exposing his government's soft underbelly!!
History judges nothing. It is aptly said that history is written by sword and not pen. History is written and rewritten based on who is the winner.
Never rubbish history like that, Sirji! Hitler, Pol Pot and even Mrs. Indira Gandhi learned the lessons of it - the cruel way!!!! "Those forget history are condemned to repeat it" !!!!!!
Sir, the examples cited by you prove my point. Hitler, Pol Pot and Indira Gandhi were losers and replaced by their opponents though Indira Gandhi returned after chastening. However I agree that modern time differs from the past when history writers always favored the victors. The courtier or darbari charans were history writers.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
12 years ago
Manmohan Singh is the wisest. He knows that silence is best and golden. He speaks when appropriate in parliament and at other forums. Those who ridicule him stand nowhere.
Whether Moni Baba's deafening silence is golden or made of some other baser metal we have to wait for judgment of history but his critics have enough success in exposing his government's soft underbelly!!
History judges nothing. It is aptly said that history is written by sword and not pen. History is written and rewritten based on who is the winner.
Never rubbish history like that, Sirji! Hitler, Pol Pot and even Mrs. Indira Gandhi learned the lessons of it - the cruel way!!!! "Those forget history are condemned to repeat it" !!!!!!
Sir, the examples cited by you prove my point. Hitler, Pol Pot and Indira Gandhi were losers and replaced by their opponents though Indira Gandhi returned after chastening. However I agree that modern time differs from the past when history writers always favored the victors. The courtier or darbari charans were history writers.
I am not very clear about how did my post validate your point. I dare not trivializing history by simply dismissing it as imaginary accounts glorifying the victors of a few paid loyal courtiers. If you dislike a section of historians - it's a different kettle of fish! But you have been dismissive of the very subject history. Like any other subject history too has evolved over centuries. In modern times it is in the hands of professional scholars who are competent and capable enough to delve into events and coming to objective and independent conclusions. Were historians of such eminence like Sir J.N.Sircar. R.C.Mozumdar paid courtiers of Britishers??? Now coming to another point that you mentioned in the earlier post which is the power of the sword over pen. I would treat the very word 'Sword' both in its literary as well as figurative import. Whether it is a physical sword or a figurative one - it is the purpose to which it is wielded which should be the only criterion. Nadir Shah wielded it to butcher thousands and thousands to soak the lanes, streets of Delhi with blood to earn permanent disgrace. Mind you, these are independent accounts of not any paid historians - historians with commitment to truth. Similarly a grand old man wielded the sword of morality to liberate India from the yokes of British rule - I am using 'sword' in the very figurative sense here. No society was ever kept permanently terrorized for ever. What we have been witnessing even in our neighborhood is the triumph of pen over sword. Everyone knows events in Nepal, Burma and even Pakistan. All silent work of historical lessons and judgement inspired and led by 'pens' not 'swords'! A frail looking woman Aung San Sui Kyi of Burma showed how helpless sword could be!!! What about Nelson Mandela? I am sorry to bare my thoughts in such serious language on a topic which was floated under 'humor' section.
Thank you said by: Kalyani Nandurkar
12 years ago
Just see the team of 'helpless' Man Mohan Singh. He has hos own team of most efficient and experienced persons. The team is essentially Man Mohan singh and not of UPA or UPA chairperson.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
12 years ago
Just see the team of 'helpless' Man Mohan Singh. He has hos own team of most efficient and experienced persons. The team is essentially Man Mohan singh and not of UPA or UPA chairperson.
No doubt teams is nice one but he is not capable making decisions. he have to get permission of UPA chairman before making any decision.
12 years ago
Just see the team of 'helpless' Man Mohan Singh. He has hos own team of most efficient and experienced persons. The team is essentially Man Mohan singh and not of UPA or UPA chairperson.
No doubt teams is nice one but he is not capable making decisions. he have to get permission of UPA chairman before making any decision.
Manmohan singh and his team have better administrative ability and experience so that it is next to impossible to dictate policies to him. By saying that Man Mohan singh acts soley on what UPA chairperson wants, you underestimate Manmohan singh and grossly overestimate UPA chairperson who is definitely without significant administrative efficiency and skill. Just try to see why the Gandhis avoid accepting any administrative posts. More likely, Manmohan Singh will be replaced with another bureaucrat and the Gandhis will not accept any post in government simply because they lack capability and have no self confidence. However this is internal matter of Congress and much will depend on next Lok Sabha elections.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
12 years ago
Do whatever, i will guard you :)
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Article Writing - Practiced By Many, Mastered By Few!
Earn While You Learn :)
12 years ago
Just see the team of 'helpless' Man Mohan Singh. He has hos own team of most efficient and experienced persons. The team is essentially Man Mohan singh and not of UPA or UPA chairperson.
No doubt teams is nice one but he is not capable making decisions. he have to get permission of UPA chairman before making any decision.
Manmohan singh and his team have better administrative ability and experience so that it is next to impossible to dictate policies to him. By saying that Man Mohan singh acts soley on what UPA chairperson wants, you underestimate Manmohan singh and grossly overestimate UPA chairperson who is definitely without significant administrative efficiency and skill. Just try to see why the Gandhis avoid accepting any administrative posts. More likely, Manmohan Singh will be replaced with another bureaucrat and the Gandhis will not accept any post in government simply because they lack capability and have no self confidence. However this is internal matter of Congress and much will depend on next Lok Sabha elections.
I am not underestimating Manmohan Singh. He is honest person and efficient administrator. But he is not capable in taking any major decision.
12 years ago
Very funny ... hope that both kareena kapoor and salman khan watches this.
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