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14 years ago
I agree, there is definitely a social aspect to it. In fact I feel that the RTE is aimed more towards this section of society than the rest.
[quote]If a very poor child claims to get admission to a posh school ,is the school bound to accomodate him/her?[/quote]
If it's a private school, I don't think it'll be bound to accommodate him. Government education is a different matter. But I don't think the term 'posh school' can be used for a government institution...
[quote]If a very poor child claims to get admission to a posh school ,is the school bound to accomodate him/her?[/quote]
If it's a private school, I don't think it'll be bound to accommodate him. Government education is a different matter. But I don't think the term 'posh school' can be used for a government institution...
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