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11 years ago
Education is helpful for the development of human being. But in todays scenario in India more and more schools are growing which take huge donations to take admit our kids. It seems like they are selling education. In some private schools the staff is not much qualified or experienced, but they charge high in name and fame. So do you think education system in India be changed.
The syllabus remains the same in all schools - the difference being state schools, ICSE and CBSE syllabus. The major problem is the method of teaching and also a lack of dedication in some schools esp government run schools. But all in all Indian education system needs reform no doubt but it is still competetive at an international level since the ones who have passed out of here do well internationally as well !
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
Thank you said by: Manoj lamba
11 years ago
Education is helpful for the development of human being. But in todays scenario in India more and more schools are growing which take huge donations to take admit our kids. It seems like they are selling education. In some private schools the staff is not much qualified or experienced, but they charge high in name and fame. So do you think education system in India be changed.
The syllabus remains the same in all schools - the difference being state schools, ICSE and CBSE syllabus. The major problem is the method of teaching and also a lack of dedication in some schools esp government run schools. But all in all Indian education system needs reform no doubt but it is still competetive at an international level since the ones who have passed out of here do well internationally as well !
The method of teaching definitely needs to be revamped. However, lack of dedication is not only limited to govt. schools..private schools are no less!
“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson
Thank you said by: Manoj lamba
11 years ago
Education is helpful for the development of human being. But in todays scenario in India more and more schools are growing which take huge donations to take admit our kids. It seems like they are selling education. In some private schools the staff is not much qualified or experienced, but they charge high in name and fame. So do you think education system in India be changed.
The syllabus remains the same in all schools - the difference being state schools, ICSE and CBSE syllabus. The major problem is the method of teaching and also a lack of dedication in some schools esp government run schools. But all in all Indian education system needs reform no doubt but it is still competetive at an international level since the ones who have passed out of here do well internationally as well !
The method of teaching definitely needs to be revamped. However, lack of dedication is not only limited to govt. schools..private schools are no less!
Possibly so, private schools too are not much better ....The problem is having any far sighted vision and determination to overhaul the entire educational system...We have unscientific class periods and outdated syllabus and absolutely no practical knowledge imparted to students !
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
Thank you said by: Manoj lamba
11 years ago
Education is helpful for the development of human being. But in todays scenario in India more and more schools are growing which take huge donations to take admit our kids. It seems like they are selling education. In some private schools the staff is not much qualified or experienced, but they charge high in name and fame. So do you think education system in India be changed.
The syllabus remains the same in all schools - the difference being state schools, ICSE and CBSE syllabus. The major problem is the method of teaching and also a lack of dedication in some schools esp government run schools. But all in all Indian education system needs reform no doubt but it is still competetive at an international level since the ones who have passed out of here do well internationally as well !
The method of teaching definitely needs to be revamped. However, lack of dedication is not only limited to govt. schools..private schools are no less!
Possibly so, private schools too are not much better ....The problem is having any far sighted vision and determination to overhaul the entire educational system...We have unscientific class periods and outdated syllabus and absolutely no practical knowledge imparted to students !
Actually our traditional educational system was far better which not just imparted knowledge about various subjects, but also focused more on life skills and values. We could easily have gone back to that system after independence but chose not to do so. Now our entire education system is nothing but an assembly line of producing graduates of various kinds in mass who can read and write generally and fit to work somewhere. Nothing more. After getting a degree, more years are wasted further in learning more essential skills by themselves!
"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)
Thank you said by: Manoj lamba
11 years ago
The main issue not only with education but all aspects of life is the commercialization of almost everything. So education system is also designed to benefit the school managers. The school managers like good businessmen even provide 'services' like mass contract copying. Parents ad students support such institutions that promise job placement.
The first requirement for any educational reform is to decommercialize the system and ensure all round development- physical, moral, mental.
The first requirement for any educational reform is to decommercialize the system and ensure all round development- physical, moral, mental.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
Thank you said by: Kalyani Nandurkar, Manoj lamba
11 years ago
The main issue not only with education but all aspects of life is the commercialization of almost everything. So education system is also designed to benefit the school managers. The school managers like good businessmen even provide 'services' like mass contract copying. Parents ad students support such institutions that promise job placement.
The first requirement for any educational reform is to decommercialize the system and ensure all round development- physical, moral, mental.
There are even specialized shops now where one can buy all kinds of projects and working models that are occasionally asked to be made by the students! These models and projects can be bought from a few hundred to a few thousands of rupees! What kind of learning is involved here? Not to mention the parallel system of tuition and coaching classes where the fees equal and sometimes is even more than the actual school fees!
"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani, Manoj lamba
11 years ago
The main issue not only with education but all aspects of life is the commercialization of almost everything. So education system is also designed to benefit the school managers. The school managers like good businessmen even provide 'services' like mass contract copying. Parents ad students support such institutions that promise job placement.
The first requirement for any educational reform is to decommercialize the system and ensure all round development- physical, moral, mental.
There are even specialized shops now where one can buy all kinds of projects and working models that are occasionally asked to be made by the students! These models and projects can be bought from a few hundred to a few thousands of rupees! What kind of learning is involved here? Not to mention the parallel system of tuition and coaching classes where the fees equal and sometimes is even more than the actual school fees!
Very true Kalyani! Tuitions and coaching classes are a must now..those who choose to join these tuitions score better..since they are given a set of QnAs and are asked to mug up and reproduce in the exams. So in true sense there is no learning taking place. Project work was better in our times when we were asked to research from two to three sources (books) and come up with the research on our own. The times have changed and one can even get ready made projects.
“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson
Thank you said by: Manoj lamba, Kalyani Nandurkar
11 years ago
Some years back I was at a xerox shop and came to know that lot many studentswho have to submit projects do not visit libraries for data collection. They go to xerox centres who keep a copy of project reports given to them for xeroxing and sell them at high costs to new students. Teachers are also not bothered.
11 years ago
Some years back I was at a xerox shop and came to know that lot many studentswho have to submit projects do not visit libraries for data collection. They go to xerox centres who keep a copy of project reports given to them for xeroxing and sell them at high costs to new students. Teachers are also not bothered.
Yes, that is a normal scenario around most colleges and schools. When I was in college myself, there were a group of students who never attended lectures but always had notes ready with them. Once we asked them out of curiosity about how there notes were always updated when they were never seen studying, we were told that a certain xerox shop had a stock of all kinds of notes which you could get a copy of for a fixed sum. :blink: Just mug them up and get scores. Teachers are not bothered because they are only concerned with the results!
"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)
Thank you said by: vijay
11 years ago
Some years back I was at a xerox shop and came to know that lot many studentswho have to submit projects do not visit libraries for data collection. They go to xerox centres who keep a copy of project reports given to them for xeroxing and sell them at high costs to new students. Teachers are also not bothered.
Yes, that is a normal scenario around most colleges and schools. When I was in college myself, there were a group of students who never attended lectures but always had notes ready with them. Once we asked them out of curiosity about how there notes were always updated when they were never seen studying, we were told that a certain xerox shop had a stock of all kinds of notes which you could get a copy of for a fixed sum. :blink: Just mug them up and get scores. Teachers are not bothered because they are only concerned with the results!
This happens because 'thinking out of the box' is not encouraged at schools or colleges. Teachers find it easy to check ready made answers than having to tax their brains and expect a different answers. Hence, students find a way out..copy pasting the same thing over. Of course, I know that a fact cannot be changed and reproduced as it is but for subjects which can have more than one interpretation, teachers should readily accept it and encourage it.
“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson
Thank you said by: Manoj lamba
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