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# Unicycling will enable you to have top-notch workout. If you want to develop strong legs, learning how to unicycle is a great way for you to train those leg muscles.

# You do not need a wide space to maneuver. The great thing about unicycles is that you can ride them even in cramped spaces. You also do not need a wide area to execute turns as in other types of rides.

# Unicycles do not take a lot of storage space. Because of the relatively small size of unicycles, they are not only easy to carry, they are easy to store as well. If you want to take up a sport but space will be a problem for storing your equipment, then you should try unicycling.

yes cycling and swimming are really great exercises...If done regularly, we shall never grow fat.....
Cycling is a form of aerobic exercise, which means you aren't starving the muscles of oxygen if you continue to do it over a long period of time, so you can cycle long distances. Sprinting on the other hand is anaerobic; even Usain Bolt couldn't hold it up for long.

Aerobic exercise means your metabolism increases; that means there is more activity going on in your body. Raising your metabolism occasionally over a prolonged period of time (it needn't be by much, just enough to get it above 'normal') will help you body become fitter and function better.

thanks sumit for providing more information on benefits of cycling..............
I think in today's scenario bicycle provides the most environment-friendly mode of transport but our city roads are dangerously congested and our city planners need to provide dedicated lanes for bicycles!
Cycling is an effective and enjoyable exercise that will provide you with many benefits. These benefits are listed below:

1. Good for heart and health: Cycling is not only good for your health but for your heart as well. A good heart is the key to healthy life. With cycling the blood supply to the body is increased as well as your heart rate increases. It is because of this reason that heart diseases are reduced greatly or risk of having any is avoided to a greater extent. Risk of High blood pressure, diabetes and obesity is also reduced.

2. Weight loss: Cycling helps in burning excess fats resulting in weight lose. The energy that is required by the calories to burn is provided when you cycle regularly so make cycling a habit of yours!

3. Change in mood: Cycling, just like other forms of exercise, is known to release endorphin which is known to cause pleasure in you and thus wash away the bad mood. It is because of this that one feel relaxed and refreshed even after a heavy workout. With cycling you will feel positive change in your mood as well. Also, moderate exercises such as cycling are known for relieving stress or depression and helps in improving self-esteem and mood.

4. Strength and coordination is maintained: If you cycle regularly you will be less likely to get severe injuries such as fracture during a fall or if involved in an accident. According to research, cycling and other related exercises, that keeps one physically fit, when older are less likely to get hip fractures.

5. Fitness level improved: It is researched that even a small exercise can help in gaining fitness significantly. The strength of the legs is also improved with cycling regularly. As your strength of legs is increased, one is less likely to get injuries or fractures after a fall.

These are some benefits of exercising regularly. Just make sure to wear protective gears to avoid any injury in case of any accident.
Thanks Neetu for providing detailed information on so many health benfits from cycling and hope people would prefer this excellent mode of transport!
A few miles of cycling per day assure trimmer and toned muscles. This is because your upper thigh muscles, backside and calf muscles all get exercised by the pedalling motion.
cycling helps a great deal in building your stamina. It enables you to carry out your day-to-day activities more effectively
Thanks for providing the complete information on cycling! But the city roads everywhere are so congested and the traffic is unruly that it has actually become a danger zone for the cyclists everywhere! This is what is a big deterrent for people to take up biking.

Also, our mentalities are such that owning two-wheelers and at least one four-wheeler per household is a matter of honor and a status symbol. So people using cycles are looked down upon by many.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

About 90 million American adults ride a bike at least once a year, nearly 30 million cycle regularly for recreation, and a few million even commute by bicycle, according to a recent article in American Demographics. Those numbers may rise in the next few years, thanks to federal legislation that encourages local communities to build cycling into their transit plans. That's good not only for the environment, but also for the nation's health, since cycling is one of the best forms of exercise around. It gives the heart and circulatory system a workout; it puts little stress on joints (except perhaps the knees); it can burn 400 to 700 calories per hour; and if you own a bike, cycling is free and can be done just about anywhere.
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