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China's oversensitivity on this score just goes to show its horrible human rights record which it has to grapple with in a few years' time!
Thats true Chinmoy.. :(

Obama is supporting Liu saying that he should be released immediately..

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Yes,Dalai Lama and Obama both appeals to china to free Liu. :) Here is the link to it.
Brutal suppression of dissent has been the disgraceful aspect of Chinese communist rule this is the only way to serve a strong notice to China to force it improve on its human rights record!
Thanks for the link Nagalakshmi.. :)

Dalai Lama is a peace loving human being.. :)

Hope this would change the mind set of Chinese Government.

Thanks 'n' Regards,
chinmoymukherjee wrote:
[quote]It's quite natural for a dictatorial regime like China to react to like this![/quote]

The fact is that the western powers are racists and do anything to embarrass others. We love democracy but this is internal matter of each state. Democracy and for that matter any political system cannot be exported. Nobody can export democracy to china. The award is not genuine and this is only for embarrassing china- an Asian power.
As regards reacting of china as a dictatorial regime, just visualize the award of some prize to dissident Huriat leaders of Kashmir or even Omar Abdulah for recent outbursts. I feel 'democratic India' will react the same way 'Dictatorial china'.

Decent behavior in international relations irrespective of political system is must for international peace. The western powers miserably fail in this regard simply owing to their racist irrational mindset.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

ya i agree with deepti's opinion that noble prize was given for peace
Only Noble persons get NOBEL prize and nobody can stop giving that except the person who's receiving it...

Gandhi, NelsoN Mandela all come under this...Hope this changes the mind of the chinese govt.

Your one click makes their day, please help them:

The reactions of China only go to show its nervousness and lack of confidence in its own system! Otherwise it could have such brushed it aside.The fact of the matter is that the Chinese people have no say in the choice of their system and what passes for now is just the rule of a coterie.This is the fundamental issue which has to be understood in greater depth.The Chinese brutal suppression of human rights is not a figment of the Western world.It has resorted to worst from of humnan rights abuses in Tibet to change the demographic character by forcibly settling Han people.There are issues which should not be viewed from the narrow angle of East or West.We won't have seen the end of brutal and barbaric regimes of Idi Amin and Pol Pot hadn't the world at large intervened in the so-called internal matter of those countries!
chinmoymukherjee wrote:

The reactions of China only go to show its nervousness and lack of confidence in its own system! Otherwise it could have such brushed it aside.The fact of the matter is that the Chinese people have no say in the choice of their system and what passes for now is just the rule of a coterie.This is the fundamental issue which has to be understood in greater depth.The Chinese brutal suppression of human rights is not a figment of the Western world.It has resorted to worst from of humnan rights abuses in Tibet to change the demographic character by forcibly settling Han people.There are issues which should not be viewed from the narrow angle of East or West.We won't have seen the end of brutal and barbaric regimes of Idi Amin and Pol Pot hadn't the world at large intervened in the so-called internal matter of those countries![/quote]

There is utter lack of democracy in China. We are for democracy. But this is internal issue of china. we cannot export democracy or our system to them. Although there may be some atrocities and repression in Tibet or elsewhere, there is no genocide or gross human rights violation. The state has to use force everywhere. We also use military power in j & K, Tripura, Nagaland, Assam, West Bengal, Jharkhand and elsewhere for maintaining law and order and preserving national unity. similar use of force can not be denied to Chinese government. It cannot be said that a 'democratic' regime can use force for combating internal disturbance but a 'dictatorial or communist' regime cannot.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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