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cinnamon and honey helps in weight loss:

Mix the cinnamon and honey in the cup and make a paste. Add the boiling water and cover the cup for half an hour. Stir the mixture water and filter it. Wait until it cools enough for drinking and it’s ready.
Hey friends, Have you ever tasted Cinnamon Tea. It is very tasty. It can be taken with or without milk too.
:) :)

Thanks 'n' Regards,
thanks for the information neetu and deepti.. i have certainly not heard of this name before.. let me try it out when the chance comes..
Yes it is indeed a good spice for health and i think honey and Cinnamon is best of all..Nice thread neetu and Deepti.. :) :) :)
In terms of skin care, cinnamon is considered a mild astringent. Because of this individuals might react to the use of cinnamon or especially cinnamon oil on their skin. Cinnamon does stimulate and warm the skin and thus is used in massage products to help relax muscles. Cinnamon is often mixed with honey to create a paste. This paste is used to treat the itching and inflammation caused by various mild insect bites. The cinnamon and honey paste has been used as a pimple treatment and to treat minor skin infections. Cinnamon also is beneficial in skin care because of its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties.
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