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We can call them:

Licensed Killers
Licensed Murders
Heartless Humans
Villains in Doctors' Uniform
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Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
That's a good list,Kumaresh! I would add the last one as "unlicensed fleecers"!!!
thanks for adding one more adjective for them!!

So much senseless they are!!
They are Cruelty's residence!!

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
Yes i agree with kumaresh and chinmoy...Strikes in this profession is really risky for patients life. I know the pain of these strike which killed one of my loved one.. :angry:
Yes --- Many different Titles for these criminals.. :)

I would like to give one more.......
Educated Killers...

Thanks 'n' Regards,
I think that doctors should never go on strike.Medical profession is a very noble profession and this act doesnt go well with it.Besides if doctors go on strike then they will make common men as their enemies.
Thats true Sajeetharan..... Helping nature should be as a main motive for doctors.. Instead, they are not performing their duty well... Disgusting.... :(

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Sadly enough it's no longer a noble profession thanks to the shady activities of some butchers who present themselves in the garb of doctors!
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