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Well i have experienced both the things and i feel some areas freedom is necessary and in some areas concern from elders is necessary or else we may not choose the right path some time...

In western country freedom is too much ..were as in india we respect our elders as in some cases their concern is needed..But in any way elders should not force youngster in the family as it is wrong way of using their seniority...they should suggest or alert when ever we do wrong things..
Freedom Of Western People
Personally I feel from my own experience that parental interference is not at all bad and it all depends on the kind of situations this is being done.Freedom should not be allowed to degenerate into a licence for whatever one wants to indulge in.A balance has to be struck.The so-called Western freedom has its seamy side too.Let us not romanticize it!!
I think Chinmoy is right. Parental intervention at right time in right manner is very important structured growth of children.

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Both have their merit and demerit

Relation in other country are much more stronger than ....realtion in westrn country
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