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Yes is better if they don't discuss official matters and sensitive issues.Also the remarks is indeed funny.But at present, politicians and diplomats use twitter in many countries, including America and India.They don't seem to make any big trouble, except this case of Mr.Tharoor.So in my opinion, i think there is no need to refrain from discussion in internet, but they should regulate themselves and give more importance and focus to the words they use.

I agree that ministers should not use twitter for commenting on governmental matters.But i believe, there is no harm in using twitter and internet by ministers.

And you know, Earlier you yourself agreed to my view in your comment in one of my poll B) :woohoo: .I have given the link below.It also show that boddunan members support the view. B) :cheer: :cheer:
You are correct.As public servants they should be careful about their tongue.

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I can't help admiring your painstaking effort in using my comments in an altogether different context.My opposition is strictly in relation to his using Twitter on governmental matters.I still stand by it! Let others judge it!
I am really enjoying this :laugh: :lol: .i also agree with you...ya..let others decide.I am tired writing big replies :laugh: :laugh: :lol:
Yes MC,both of us seem to be overworked on this and now it's time to pass the baton to others and take a well-deserved break!!!
MC and Chinmoy- You both have expressed fatigue in prolonging the discussion. We all have given our views fairly. It is not necessary to agree. we may agree to disagree.
Let me add that the cabinet should evolve a code of conduct for ministers' personal conduct including airing personal views publicly. We need not get lessons from West how the ministers behave there.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes Gulshan.You have contributed well in this discussion.and my applause for that.It is just that like in any discussion, we all are holding our views tight and the thread is getting long.It natural to fell a fatigue, especially with such big replies :)

I believe controversies is not going to end here.So we will have to update this thread in the coming days also. :)
MC I agree to disagree. We have expressed our views well. Nothing to add for the moment. Let us discuss if something new happens.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Going by the latest report Mr. Tharoor is becoming a liability for his party.The India Parilament was rocked by this issue yesterday and both were adjourned till Monday.Now his party wants to drop him like a hot potatato.A very sad situation for this bright person whom many expected to change the system but he has willy-nilly become a part of it!!!
Congress is one family party and all are disposable except Gandhi Nehru family- Proprietor of the party.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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