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Democracy is essentially party system. No individual politician is supposed to show his individuality and air his personal views against party ideology and policies. Especially, ministers must adhere to collective responsibility.
Apparently, Shashi Tharoor has treated parliament, ruling party and cabinet as mere discussion forums and India as nothing but Hyde park, where all are free to say anything and do anything.
Definitely, he is not suitable as a minister.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant


The entire controversy arise from the tweets.Now how is this revolutionary idea of using twitter against party system?In fact it strengthen democracy by bringing transparency.Also It helps a minister to reach out to the people which they normally can’t do.I agree that he has done a mistake by commenting on visa policy, but that is the only time he talked about a sensitive issue.The remaining are just baseless controversies.After becoming a minister he never said anything against the party also.

So I believe he is a good minister and that he is bringing a new political culture to the country not by making it a Hyde park but bringing transparency and better relation with the people.This is good for democracy in my opinion.
MC- a minister or an MP belonging to a party cannot exercise the sort of independence as others can. When you are in a government post, as a politician or a public servant, you come under conduct rules. As an individual, you represent yourself only and may participate in any debate on internet forums. But not a minister. Even an ordinary government employee is precluded from giving personal opinion.
We have seen that there is no cohesion in government. Ministers are speaking in different voices. The government created bodies like SBI and IRDA are confronting each other. There has to be some cohesion, unity of though and action.
There is no problem with ministers opening giving views at party forums or cabinet meetings. But when decisions are taken by majority, there is no room for airing personal views at divergence with collective decision. Otherwise, there is nothing wrong to say that the government, parliament and ruling party are just debating clubs and Hyde park.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Today Mr. Tharoor has come out with all guns blazing against Mr.Lalit Modi's treacherous conduct of divulging the ownership details of the new IPL frnachisee,Kochy.But he is mysteriously silent on the issue of allotment of free shares to Ms.Sunanda Pushkar.I am not holding any brief for Lalit Modi who is a cunning customer but how did a respectable and relatively clean person like Mr. Shashi readily walk into the trap laid by his detractors? And he keeps on committing one blunder after another.He should have been more transparent in his dealing by disclosing the ownership details at the time of the bidding
Chinmoy- You have aptly pointed out that shashi tharoor is mysteriously silent on issue of allotment of free shares to Ms. Sunanda Puskar. naturally, Tharoor is neiter 'respectable' nor 'clean' the word 'relatively' only shows that he is cunning enough.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I understand your point Gulshan and I agree than public servants must not make a different opinion in public against the collective decision.But I am not against ministers using twitter for expressing their ideas and giving updates.But it has to be strictly regulated and they must be careful enough to avoid any official matters.Then it will serve its true purpose as i told.

A bigger mystery has arrived!.Shashi Tharoor is threatened by Dawood Ibrahim!.He wants Tharoor to step back from the deal or otherwise his life will be in danger!
MC- I have seen that in articles written by Govt. officials even on literary matters, it is specifically given as a remark-"The views of the author are his own and not of Government."

If the remarks given by a minister carry similar word- "The views are that of minister and not of government."

The remarks with such qualifications will be indeed funny. It is better that ministers and key govt. officials refrain from discussing on internet.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant


I don't think it would be a wise thing to allow ministers to use Twitter or any other social media on governmental matters. As far as the latest on Sashi Tharoor controversy is concerned I agree it's getting curiouser and curiouser! It seems Mr. Tharoor has walked into a minefield!!
The recent comments Mr. Tharoor is unwanted and will get him a negative image. He is a hardworking man and one of the most educated ministers in the Indian Parliament. There are rivals in his camp itself. What he writes on twitter is his personal views and I feel It should not be discussed in the print media. Tweeting should be the best way to counter his point. Not printing some verses from it on the national dailies and start debating on it. The Modi issue has something with south and north. The Hindi belt politicians don;t like some one from the south side overtakes them. Thats it. The love or what ever with ms. Sunanda is his personal matter and should not be discussed in the public.
This minister has no political experience at all.He himself declared as candidate and Congress have to support him and now they are experiencing the bitterness.

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