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Rahul after a Sabbath of 59 days is rejuvenated man. One can't write him off and public opinion changes like the wind.

MG Singh wrote:

Rahul after a Sabbath of 59 days is rejuvenated man. One can't write him off and public opinion changes like the wind.


Rahul's sabbath will not change neither Rahul's nor his Party's mindset which is destructive. Public opinion already changed which is why Rahull and his party were dumped. May be after a decade or so public opinion may change. Till then Rahul  has to wait, but not in the near future.


rambabu wrote:
MG Singh wrote:

Rahul after a Sabbath of 59 days is rejuvenated man. One can't write him off and public opinion changes like the wind.


Rahul's sabbath will not change neither Rahul's nor his Party's mindset which is destructive. Public opinion already changed which is why Rahull and his party were dumped. May be after a decade or so public opinion may change. Till then Rahul  has to wait, but not in the near future.


It is difficult to say who is more disruptive and divisive- Congress or BJP. May be Raul and Congress are weaker and less effective but clearly not divisive or destructive or Hindu fascist like Sangh Parivar headed by RSS and inclusive of BJP. In Fact, onward march of BJP under active command of RSS is in backdrop of Mosque destruction at ayodhya and mass genocidce in Gujarat. Yesterday itself the BJP President Shah made clear that the controversial issue (meaning divisive Hindutva agenda) has to wait till BJP gets two third majority. 



G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Gulshan Kumar Ajmani wrote:
rambabu wrote:
MG Singh wrote:

Rahul after a Sabbath of 59 days is rejuvenated man. One can't write him off and public opinion changes like the wind.


Rahul's sabbath will not change neither Rahul's nor his Party's mindset which is destructive. Public opinion already changed which is why Rahull and his party were dumped. May be after a decade or so public opinion may change. Till then Rahul  has to wait, but not in the near future.


It is difficult to say who is more disruptive and divisive- Congress or BJP. May be Raul and Congress are weaker and less effective but clearly not divisive or destructive or Hindu fascist like Sangh Parivar headed by RSS and inclusive of BJP. In Fact, onward march of BJP under active command of RSS is in backdrop of Mosque destruction at ayodhya and mass genocidce in Gujarat. Yesterday itself the BJP President Shah made clear that the controversial issue (meaning divisive Hindutva agenda) has to wait till BJP gets two third majority. 


If the ruling party is not up to the expectations of the people, irrespective of Congress or BJP, nothing can save the party which is at the helm of the affairs.

Peoples verdict is ultimate and final.

But time is the only factor which party is destructive and which is constructive. People know much better than these political parties.




Success is the tangential point between zero and infinity. No one likes to start at zero. If you have zero control over political system as currently RG has, essentially, you are pawn in the system. Just get out of those system for new rejuvenation.

And pawns are incapable of taking the reins of a Nation.

One could not sustain beyond zero pressed has becomes zero sum game for mentioned politician.

It needs a great forethought and vision to take the reins of a country. Only a blessed few are gifted with this trait. Rahul is nowhere near such people.

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