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China has been constantly trying to show its powers in the north eastern regions and has been extending it to South China Sea as well,,,I have a feeling that their close proximity to Pakistan too has some role in this !

It is because we and Pakistan are archenemies that the China has a clear leaning towards Pakistan, also Pakistan in order to put one over us will do anything including helping China.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

China has been constantly trying to show its powers in the north eastern regions and has been extending it to South China Sea as well,,,I have a feeling that their close proximity to Pakistan too has some role in this !

Definitely. Having a soft corner for Pakistan is well known. This is nothing new. Enemy's enemy is a friend.

One must understand Mao's dictum" political power comes out of the barrell of a gun". This about sums up China's approach to world politics. The US also rules on the strength of its military. This will see that China will ultimately take control of the China sea. India must remember this and beef up accordingly.  Gandhi must be thrown overboard in bay of Bengal.

US reacted to this during PM visit China about China's outrage in south China sea, but as always the economic and military might of China would not force western forces to create aggression, but interesting state of happenings.

A study of history shows that strong nations are always expansionist. The Japanese were the same from 1900 to 45 and earlier the British and French were same, not forgetting the Ottoman empire. The US is also an expansionist nation on its strength.

India is the only exception as defeated Hindus were themselves second class citizens in their own home. One must draw the lesson( which most Indians dont draw) that there is no substitute for military power. India is again on wrong track with the army below strength and morale sapping. Militarily even a win over Pak is unlikely. china can be countered only by military power and that has not been realised by the Indian people. Otherwise an unheard of agitation in any other nation by ex soldiers for rightful pension would never have taken place in India. Can one think of such a agitation in USa?

There can't be a big fight between India and China, because both countries are nuclear powers and have strong armies. Both countries know how a battle will effect their economy and strength. So China is only trying infiltration in India with the help of Pakistan.

MG Singh wrote:

One must understand Mao's dictum" political power comes out of the barrell of a gun". This about sums up China's approach to world politics. The US also rules on the strength of its military. This will see that China will ultimately take control of the China sea. India must remember this and beef up accordingly.  Gandhi must be thrown overboard in bay of Bengal.

True...his dictum of ahimsa is followed in all the wrong places and himsa too is shown in all the wrong places, eg. himsa against women, children, poor etc. but not against the true enemies.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Why does MGSINGH have to berate Gandhi is not clear. Gandhi never said that one should buckle in face of violence. By asking Indians to face British violence without hitting back he was removing the fear of violence through which British were ruling India. Some persons who are macho minded think power is everything. It is not. Japan and Germany and Russia are examples. Military power is always commensurate with economic power. It costs to sustain power.India has tofirst become an economic power. Till then only bravado statements have no meaning.

Mahatma Gandhi proved power is not everything . Can there be an act of cowardice as heinous as Jalianwala Bagh in the history of Military?. Mahatma Gandhi drove the Britishers without using a weapon and shedding a drop of Blood. He has opened the eyes of the Brits who were under the false impression, "The Sun never sets on the British empire." many great leaders like Civil Rights leaders like Martin Luther King never used power to achieve civil rights to Blacks in America..

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