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I think at times children do not listen to their parents..probably that is the reason why they must hired a tutor for such a young child. Whatever the case may be...such inhumanity is really scary. Children are not safe even if they are right under the nose of their parents/mothers.

A child can be made to listen by knowing what he really wants. A friend of mine used to send his problem child to me for correcting him. I never talked with the child. Whenever the child enters my home, I used to take a sketch pad and start drawing. After a few days, to the parent's surprise the boy suddenly showed a change. The parents found him sitting in a corner of his home and started drawing on a paper with a pencil. The restlessness and trouble creating of breaking the porcelain cups and saucers came to a grinding halt.
After some days my friend asked me if i taught the boy how to draw. I said No. I whetted his interest.
This is how one can tame a child..

It is wonderful thing to know how you stimulated the boy and led him to pursue an interest. But these two situations are different, the topic thread and the problem child over here. Whatever the case may be with the 3yr old....such brutality is not expected and should be condemned.

While agreeing with you that an innocent tender heart doesn't deserve such a brutal treatment, I wanted to impress on the the vital point, why a 3 yer old needed a tutor. This trait in parents has become a trend And it goes without saying that it happens in only parents who are ignorant and over ambitious. These parents fail to identify the niche in the children and in a hurry they lead to such foolish activities like employing a tutor at a tender age. It's the parent's duty to to handover their children in to the hands of a responsible and kind tutor.

By the way, it was my response to one of the hon'ble members of the discussion. The query was, "Why a 3 year old needed a private tutor.?"
I think I made myself clear.

I totally agree with you about 'why a 3.5yrs old kid needs a tutor'. We never went for private tuition, but as you have already mentioned it is trend send babies who can't speak to play groups..and kids as young as 3yrs to private tuitions be it at home or anywhere else. But as responsible parents it is mandatory now to do thorough background check of people who are hired as babysitters. nanny, or even tutors.s

I agree with you. Even if the parents employ a tutor, a thorough enquiry has to be made. These are the days, even before employing a maid we are making enquiries.

There are agencies who help people find maids and turors..but it is best to employ them through friends and relatives.

Yes. It's a practice here to employ a maid who's is already working in some of our relatives" houses. So is the case with tutors. They don't need credentials.
I think at times children do not listen to their parents..probably that is the reason why they must hired a tutor for such a young child. Whatever the case may be...such inhumanity is really scary. Children are not safe even if they are right under the nose of their parents/mothers.

I can never agree with someone who says that our child does not listen to us..what are parents for? If the child does not listen to them, the fault lies only and only with them and not the child. If parents paid enough attention the child, treated him or her well, listened to them etc. there is no way the child will not listen to them. And in my personal opinion, it has rather become a fashion to hire a tutor now for such young people. How much time does a child as small as that needs to study at that age? Can't the father or the mother take an hour out of their schedule to sit with the child and teach him? :blink: :blink: where is this world coming to? Upon reading news such as this frequently, I am convinced even more now that if parents cannot take time out to look after their child, they should not give birth to children at all!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

I think at times children do not listen to their parents..probably that is the reason why they must hired a tutor for such a young child. Whatever the case may be...such inhumanity is really scary. Children are not safe even if they are right under the nose of their parents/mothers.

I can never agree with someone who says that our child does not listen to us..what are parents for? If the child does not listen to them, the fault lies only and only with them and not the child. If parents paid enough attention the child, treated him or her well, listened to them etc. there is no way the child will not listen to them. And in my personal opinion, it has rather become a fashion to hire a tutor now for such young people. How much time does a child as small as that needs to study at that age? Can't the father or the mother take an hour out of their schedule to sit with the child and teach him? :blink: :blink: where is this world coming to? Upon reading news such as this frequently, I am convinced even more now that if parents cannot take time out to look after their child, they should not give birth to children at all!

When I said at times children don't listen to their parents..this was my speculation..I really have no idea what is the true story behind this case. But I agree with you, if parents can't give time to take care of their own kids..why on earth do they choose to become i mentioned in one of my birth to a baby is nothing but now a checklist for many parents. Most of the female employees and my peers barring me went to join the workforce right after 3 months of giving birth. I know it is their personal choice which they are entitled to, but they are all financially well-off and taking time off from work won't make a hole in their pocket. It is from here that the trend of hiring babysitters have come into vogue..and people are forced to install CCTV cameras at their homes. Not sure where we are heading as a society and family?

“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson

Thank you said by: Kalyani Nandurkar
I think at times children do not listen to their parents..probably that is the reason why they must hired a tutor for such a young child. Whatever the case may be...such inhumanity is really scary. Children are not safe even if they are right under the nose of their parents/mothers.

I can never agree with someone who says that our child does not listen to us..what are parents for? If the child does not listen to them, the fault lies only and only with them and not the child. If parents paid enough attention the child, treated him or her well, listened to them etc. there is no way the child will not listen to them. And in my personal opinion, it has rather become a fashion to hire a tutor now for such young people. How much time does a child as small as that needs to study at that age? Can't the father or the mother take an hour out of their schedule to sit with the child and teach him? :blink: :blink: where is this world coming to? Upon reading news such as this frequently, I am convinced even more now that if parents cannot take time out to look after their child, they should not give birth to children at all!

When I said at times children don't listen to their parents..this was my speculation..I really have no idea what is the true story behind this case. But I agree with you, if parents can't give time to take care of their own kids..why on earth do they choose to become i mentioned in one of my birth to a baby is nothing but now a checklist for many parents. Most of the female employees and my peers barring me went to join the workforce right after 3 months of giving birth. I know it is their personal choice which they are entitled to, but they are all financially well-off and taking time off from work won't make a hole in their pocket. It is from here that the trend of hiring babysitters have come into vogue..and people are forced to install CCTV cameras at their homes. Not sure where we are heading as a society and family?

Your speculation is right Mousumi, there are children as young as that who do not listen to their parents, I have seen it. some of my friends are facing the same problem. The reason for it is quite simple, both parents working 10-12 hour shifts or more, the child is at the mercy of a babysitter the entire day. The Saturdays and Sundays are meant for hanging out at malls and cinemas and McD's or KFCs because the p[arents are tired from a week's work and they want to unwind. So on holidays too the child gets ignored, BUT is showered with gifts of all kinds. The child only needs more love attention and is starving for it, but neither the mother nor father nor father is inclined to give. Resultingly, the child becomes aggressive and has several behavioral problems!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani, Mousumi Ghosh
If we start hiring tutors for our children as young as 3 years old from now we as parents are in serious trouble. This means we are not trying our best to overcome this situation. We are completely depending on a third person who does not even know our child that much.

If for e.g. some parents are having lot of trouble in handling their kid and are completely out of any new idea it is always better to go for counseling. They are experts and through regular discussions they can help the parents to find out the root cause. Sometimes parents might be having some problem in their family or some behavioral issues might be there which they have overlooked. Counselors can help them to understand that problem.

I love writing and sharing ideas

I think at times children do not listen to their parents..probably that is the reason why they must hired a tutor for such a young child. Whatever the case may be...such inhumanity is really scary. Children are not safe even if they are right under the nose of their parents/mothers.

I can never agree with someone who says that our child does not listen to us..what are parents for? If the child does not listen to them, the fault lies only and only with them and not the child. If parents paid enough attention the child, treated him or her well, listened to them etc. there is no way the child will not listen to them. And in my personal opinion, it has rather become a fashion to hire a tutor now for such young people. How much time does a child as small as that needs to study at that age? Can't the father or the mother take an hour out of their schedule to sit with the child and teach him? :blink: :blink: where is this world coming to? Upon reading news such as this frequently, I am convinced even more now that if parents cannot take time out to look after their child, they should not give birth to children at all!

When I said at times children don't listen to their parents..this was my speculation..I really have no idea what is the true story behind this case. But I agree with you, if parents can't give time to take care of their own kids..why on earth do they choose to become i mentioned in one of my birth to a baby is nothing but now a checklist for many parents. Most of the female employees and my peers barring me went to join the workforce right after 3 months of giving birth. I know it is their personal choice which they are entitled to, but they are all financially well-off and taking time off from work won't make a hole in their pocket. It is from here that the trend of hiring babysitters have come into vogue..and people are forced to install CCTV cameras at their homes. Not sure where we are heading as a society and family?

Your speculation is right Mousumi, there are children as young as that who do not listen to their parents, I have seen it. some of my friends are facing the same problem. The reason for it is quite simple, both parents working 10-12 hour shifts or more, the child is at the mercy of a babysitter the entire day. The Saturdays and Sundays are meant for hanging out at malls and cinemas and McD's or KFCs because the p[arents are tired from a week's work and they want to unwind. So on holidays too the child gets ignored, BUT is showered with gifts of all kinds. The child only needs more love attention and is starving for it, but neither the mother nor father nor father is inclined to give. Resultingly, the child becomes aggressive and has several behavioral problems!

Exactly, hanging out in malls is the order of the day...i don't know why spending quality time at home doesn't occur to some as a way to relax. Why don't people opt to go out in a garden or a park or just for a long drive instead. Plus it is these parents who allow their kids as young as 6 months or 1yr olds to munch on french fries and KFC food and then they complain about their kid refusing to eat healthy food. People don't wish to take any effort to inculcate good fooding habits in children. I ensure my baby has fruits when she goes on hunger least fruits are healthy...instead of chips and burger.

“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson

Thank you said by: Kalyani Nandurkar
If we start hiring tutors for our children as young as 3 years old from now we as parents are in serious trouble. This means we are not trying our best to overcome this situation. We are completely depending on a third person who does not even know our child that much.

If for e.g. some parents are having lot of trouble in handling their kid and are completely out of any new idea it is always better to go for counseling. They are experts and through regular discussions they can help the parents to find out the root cause. Sometimes parents might be having some problem in their family or some behavioral issues might be there which they have overlooked. Counselors can help them to understand that problem.

I agree with you Taniya. In fact, googling can also give many ideas on how to deal with a problem child be it studies, food habits or any other area ..through trial and error we eventually get to learn what works best for our kids.

“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson

If we start hiring tutors for our children as young as 3 years old from now we as parents are in serious trouble. This means we are not trying our best to overcome this situation. We are completely depending on a third person who does not even know our child that much.

If for e.g. some parents are having lot of trouble in handling their kid and are completely out of any new idea it is always better to go for counseling. They are experts and through regular discussions they can help the parents to find out the root cause. Sometimes parents might be having some problem in their family or some behavioral issues might be there which they have overlooked. Counselors can help them to understand that problem.

I agree with you Taniya. In fact, googling can also give many ideas on how to deal with a problem child be it studies, food habits or any other area ..through trial and error we eventually get to learn what works best for our kids.

I suggest spending more quality time with kids, however small it may be yields better results.
Yes Mousumi parenting is not an easy task and we learn from our mistakes and experiences.

I love writing and sharing ideas

If we start hiring tutors for our children as young as 3 years old from now we as parents are in serious trouble. This means we are not trying our best to overcome this situation. We are completely depending on a third person who does not even know our child that much.

If for e.g. some parents are having lot of trouble in handling their kid and are completely out of any new idea it is always better to go for counseling. They are experts and through regular discussions they can help the parents to find out the root cause. Sometimes parents might be having some problem in their family or some behavioral issues might be there which they have overlooked. Counselors can help them to understand that problem.

I agree with you Taniya. In fact, googling can also give many ideas on how to deal with a problem child be it studies, food habits or any other area ..through trial and error we eventually get to learn what works best for our kids.

I suggest spending more quality time with kids, however small it may be yields better results.

That is what parents lack today and that is..time! everybody is just running after securing and acquiring material benefits to the point of bringing up their children using maids and babysitters.

“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson

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