Today I was shocked and horrified reading the newspaper headline where a lady private tutor has been caught in the CCTV beating,, punching and thrashing a 3-year-old boy at a residence in Kolkata. The newly appointed teacher has locked the door from inside and the boy's mother was banging on the doors and shouting after hearing her boy crying. However the boy is fine now. The parents have lodged a complaint against the teacher. More than that the teacher's husband has also threatened the parents asking them not to go to the police.

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Today I was shocked and horrified reading the newspaper headline where a lady private tutor has been caught in the CCTV beating,, punching and thrashing a 3-year-old boy at a residence in Kolkata. The newly appointed teacher has locked the door from inside and the boy's mother was banging on the doors and shouting after hearing her boy crying. However the boy is fine now. The parents have lodged a complaint against the teacher. More than that the teacher's husband has also threatened the parents asking them not to go to the police.

Such cases become common. The duty of parent is to hire private tutor that is responsible for teaching not for beating.
Again a similar incident close on the heels of a small blind boy being thrashed cruelly! :angry: :blink: One thing I did not understand is why does a 3-year-old need private tuition?

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

I have seen the video of the incident on T.V. It seems the motivation of the teacher was something different rather than teaching the student. Not understood that why she asked the child's family to leave her alone with the child in a separate room.

I have seen the video of the incident on T.V. It seems the motivation of the teacher was something different rather than teaching the student. Not understood that why she asked the child's family to leave her alone with the child in a separate room.

Whatever may be the motive, it's a monstrous action that made the humanity bow down its head with shame.
Today I was shocked and horrified reading the newspaper headline where a lady private tutor has been caught in the CCTV beating,, punching and thrashing a 3-year-old boy at a residence in Kolkata. The newly appointed teacher has locked the door from inside and the boy's mother was banging on the doors and shouting after hearing her boy crying. However the boy is fine now. The parents have lodged a complaint against the teacher. More than that the teacher's husband has also threatened the parents asking them not to go to the police.

Yes, i saw the video in a news channel last was heart-breaking to see a 3.5yrs old to be treated and beaten like this....why on earth have people become so inhuman and merciless.

“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson

Again a similar incident close on the heels of a small blind boy being thrashed cruelly! :angry: :blink: One thing I did not understand is why does a 3-year-old need private tuition?

Exactly...even I was thinking the same thing...also..why CCTV camera....people don't or won't think of installing one unless they leave their kids with a babysitter all alone. this incident is similar to the one that happened a few months back in Pune..a babysitter beating a 1yr old bllack and blue, which was caught on CCTV camera.

“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson

Today I was shocked and horrified reading the newspaper headline where a lady private tutor has been caught in the CCTV beating,, punching and thrashing a 3-year-old boy at a residence in Kolkata. The newly appointed teacher has locked the door from inside and the boy's mother was banging on the doors and shouting after hearing her boy crying. However the boy is fine now. The parents have lodged a complaint against the teacher. More than that the teacher's husband has also threatened the parents asking them not to go to the police.

Yes, i saw the video in a news channel last was heart-breaking to see a 3.5yrs old to be treated and beaten like this....why on earth have people become so inhuman and merciless.

It happens when beasts become teachers. The parents should have verified the teacher's background.
Today I was shocked and horrified reading the newspaper headline where a lady private tutor has been caught in the CCTV beating,, punching and thrashing a 3-year-old boy at a residence in Kolkata. The newly appointed teacher has locked the door from inside and the boy's mother was banging on the doors and shouting after hearing her boy crying. However the boy is fine now. The parents have lodged a complaint against the teacher. More than that the teacher's husband has also threatened the parents asking them not to go to the police.

Yes, i saw the video in a news channel last was heart-breaking to see a 3.5yrs old to be treated and beaten like this....why on earth have people become so inhuman and merciless.

It happens when beasts become teachers. The parents should have verified the teacher's background.

True..verifying background is a must before hiring someone to teach very young kids. I think in the past few years these things are on the rise..not sure what is the reason though..

“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson

Exactly! First of all the parent hired a tutor for a 3-year-old I don't know why and secondly they allowed the tutor to close the door. This is the biggest mistake.

I love writing and sharing ideas

The couple appointed the teacher previously to teach their older daughter. They discontinued after few months as their daughter was not comfortable with her.

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