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Yes so true. One has to be very careful while leaving their child with maids and babysitters. Sometimes they learn some bad words and behavioral habits which is very difficult to rectify.

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Yes so true. One has to be very careful while leaving their child with maids and babysitters. Sometimes they learn some bad words and behavioral habits which is very difficult to rectify.

I agree. Also a maid cannot replace a mom or dad...parents should invest more time rather than investing money on gifts.

“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson

Yes so true. One has to be very careful while leaving their child with maids and babysitters. Sometimes they learn some bad words and behavioral habits which is very difficult to rectify.

I agree. Also a maid cannot replace a mom or dad...parents should invest more time rather than investing money on gifts.

I know working parents cannot devote more time to spend with the children. But, it leads to very bad conditions which is likely to affect the child badly. I ask the parents for their and for own sake to spend time with the children as much as they could.
Yes so true. One has to be very careful while leaving their child with maids and babysitters. Sometimes they learn some bad words and behavioral habits which is very difficult to rectify.

I agree. Also a maid cannot replace a mom or dad...parents should invest more time rather than investing money on gifts.

I know working parents cannot devote more time to spend with the children. But, it leads to very bad conditions which is likely to affect the child badly. I ask the parents for their and for own sake to spend time with the children as much as they could.

Personally I feel that either one of the parents should give up their jobs or at least take a long break to look after the child after its birth. This duty generally falls with the mother as a woman is the natural nurturer but lately even many fathers are giving up jobs to look after their children while the mother works. And if the family can live comfortably within one person's income, then one of the parents SHOULD give priority to rearing their children than career. With women this giving up job for children, has now become an issue thanks to the feminists, which I seriously dislike. Why did God give the ability to bear a child in teh first place? and just because she has to give up job for the same of her child, she is portrayed as being repressed by men??

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Yes to avoid these kind of situations, one of the parent must not go for job till the children can able to fullfil their needs by themselves. Everyone is doing work for their children. But they are not well means then there is no point in earning money and all.
Yes to avoid these kind of situations, one of the parent must not go for job till the children can able to fullfil their needs by themselves. Everyone is doing work for their children. But they are not well means then there is no point in earning money and all.

Yes, money earned is spent in creche/daycare or on maids/nanny..after all i would never like if I am not aware of the likes and dislikes of my baby...what is the use of the money if the childhood of the kids are missed by parents to earn money..childhood comes only once.
If at all women need to work..they can look out for work from home / part-time jobs (work from home). A child needs his/her mother the most which cannot be denied.

“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson

Yes, work from home is a good option for mothers of children below the age of 5.since they can able to take care of their kids as well as she can work.
These days many highly educated and qualified mothers willingly foregoing their lucrative jobs for the sake of their children. Godd parenting is not a part time job.
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