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We have no control on natural calamity, but we can be preinformed. It has not informed. This is very bad-as news said.
God bless the victims.
Well, surely nobody can do to stop it. But yes can do to decrease its after effects.

Well, surely nobody can do to stop it. But yes can do to decrease its after effects.

If our weather control system works then we may be alert and many lives can be save.
Well, surely nobody can do to stop it. But yes can do to decrease its after effects.

If our weather control system works then we may be alert and many lives can be save.

Do you think even proper weather control can predict about the earth quake.. I don't think so. :dry:

Well, surely nobody can do to stop it. But yes can do to decrease its after effects.

If our weather control system works then we may be alert and many lives can be save.

Do you think even proper weather control can predict about the earth quake.. I don't think so. :dry:

I have read in a article that there are some machine installed even in India where ssuch prediction is possible.
Well, surely nobody can do to stop it. But yes can do to decrease its after effects.

If our weather control system works then we may be alert and many lives can be save.

Do you think even proper weather control can predict about the earth quake.. I don't think so. :dry:

I have read in a article that there are some machine installed even in India where ssuch prediction is possible.

Yes, I agree. I have too heard about predctions. And along with that there are also building techniques that hold the houses from falling like the come down like a pack of cards.
Well, even I have heard that. But as far as I know, all those machines only can predict about it just before few minutes.. (I guess)... Earth Quake is natural thing, I don't think any machine can tell about them from long ago.

Well, even I have heard that. But as far as I know, all those machines only can predict about it just before few minutes.. (I guess)... Earth Quake is natural thing, I don't think any machine can tell about them from long ago.

That's right. It's natural phenomenon and man can never win over Mother Nature. But I am not sure how much time before the quake the machine can give alerts.
Just seeing in the news channel about it. Pakistan was the center and the scale of earth quake is 8. That's pretty high. As per news channel it is felt in many Indian cities too. Specially uttar pradesh.

Pakistan has had several Earthquakes in the past ...It is sad to see the pictures and the hear about the loss of life .This time it is close to Iranian border and Iran too has been badly hit by it...

Latest, 40 died in Iran. There are deaths in Pakistan also

Yes and it is bound to increase since many bodies would be found after they clear the rubles ...Of late we get to hear and experience too many natural calamities...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Yes even I felt the tremors in the office but I was confused as no one nearby me in office noticed it. :blink:
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