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Ajit Pawar is an extremely arrogant man and power has now gone to his head, which is why he made such insensitive shocking remarks insulting the people who are already going through very difficult times. These people have lost their livestock, their lands to the drought and now are being made fun of by none other than the second in command of the state! :angry: :angry: He should resign immediately and stop making further mess of the situation.

krishna pramod - How can a deputy CM make such an inhuman remark. If he can't do any anything for the farmer who is on a 64 day hunger strike then at least he should have shut his foul mouth. People have made such outrageous comments in the past and it is a sad fact that most of them hold high positions in the political scenario.

@ krishna pramod - The tragedy of this country is that when you have money and muscle power you become a politician and after that your life is made, no one can touch you !

Kalyani, I guess even Sharad pawar is quite corrupt but has been very diplomatic so far and carefully weighs his words, probably because he came up on his own,,whereas the nephew has come up because of his uncle and doesnt care for people, thinking that everything would be hunky dory as long as he has his relative to bless him!

Its true that Senior Pawar is also very corrupt, but at least he is very much tactful and takes great care to not appear so arrogant and crass as the nephew does. Ajit Pawar has surpassed his own arrogance and insensitivity on this particular occasion! Of note is the fact that the drought situation is not because of nature, but it has been artificially created by completely wrong decisions made wrt dams, water conservation, etc. what is more irritating is that 70 Thousand Crore has been spent till date on the pretext of improving water situations by building a number of dams, and not EVEN A SINGLE WORK out of those projects have been completed! All thanks to Ajit Pawar himself who held the irrigation ministry when those expenditures were made!

Yes , hopefully even that irrigation episode comes out thick skinned can politicians get ? don;t they have Conscience at all ?

Money and power are very powerful things. I remember, some writer had said that 'power corrupts and great power corrupts in a great extent'. I am not sure about the words. But that is what the writer meant to say.

Power does corrupt to a certain extent but more so when the minds are filled with greed and self gratification only !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Ajit Pawar is an extremely arrogant man and power has now gone to his head, which is why he made such insensitive shocking remarks insulting the people who are already going through very difficult times. These people have lost their livestock, their lands to the drought and now are being made fun of by none other than the second in command of the state! :angry: :angry: He should resign immediately and stop making further mess of the situation.

krishna pramod - How can a deputy CM make such an inhuman remark. If he can't do any anything for the farmer who is on a 64 day hunger strike then at least he should have shut his foul mouth. People have made such outrageous comments in the past and it is a sad fact that most of them hold high positions in the political scenario.

@ krishna pramod - The tragedy of this country is that when you have money and muscle power you become a politician and after that your life is made, no one can touch you !

Kalyani, I guess even Sharad pawar is quite corrupt but has been very diplomatic so far and carefully weighs his words, probably because he came up on his own,,whereas the nephew has come up because of his uncle and doesnt care for people, thinking that everything would be hunky dory as long as he has his relative to bless him!

Its true that Senior Pawar is also very corrupt, but at least he is very much tactful and takes great care to not appear so arrogant and crass as the nephew does. Ajit Pawar has surpassed his own arrogance and insensitivity on this particular occasion! Of note is the fact that the drought situation is not because of nature, but it has been artificially created by completely wrong decisions made wrt dams, water conservation, etc. what is more irritating is that 70 Thousand Crore has been spent till date on the pretext of improving water situations by building a number of dams, and not EVEN A SINGLE WORK out of those projects have been completed! All thanks to Ajit Pawar himself who held the irrigation ministry when those expenditures were made!

Yes , hopefully even that irrigation episode comes out thick skinned can politicians get ? don;t they have Conscience at all ?

Money and power are very powerful things. I remember, some writer had said that 'power corrupts and great power corrupts in a great extent'. I am not sure about the words. But that is what the writer meant to say.

Power does corrupt to a certain extent but more so when the minds are filled with greed and self gratification only !

Money and power screwed brains of politician. Today one congress leader of MP said that for rapes only women are responsible.
Ajit Pawar is an extremely arrogant man and power has now gone to his head, which is why he made such insensitive shocking remarks insulting the people who are already going through very difficult times. These people have lost their livestock, their lands to the drought and now are being made fun of by none other than the second in command of the state! :angry: :angry: He should resign immediately and stop making further mess of the situation.

krishna pramod - How can a deputy CM make such an inhuman remark. If he can't do any anything for the farmer who is on a 64 day hunger strike then at least he should have shut his foul mouth. People have made such outrageous comments in the past and it is a sad fact that most of them hold high positions in the political scenario.

@ krishna pramod - The tragedy of this country is that when you have money and muscle power you become a politician and after that your life is made, no one can touch you !

Kalyani, I guess even Sharad pawar is quite corrupt but has been very diplomatic so far and carefully weighs his words, probably because he came up on his own,,whereas the nephew has come up because of his uncle and doesnt care for people, thinking that everything would be hunky dory as long as he has his relative to bless him!

Its true that Senior Pawar is also very corrupt, but at least he is very much tactful and takes great care to not appear so arrogant and crass as the nephew does. Ajit Pawar has surpassed his own arrogance and insensitivity on this particular occasion! Of note is the fact that the drought situation is not because of nature, but it has been artificially created by completely wrong decisions made wrt dams, water conservation, etc. what is more irritating is that 70 Thousand Crore has been spent till date on the pretext of improving water situations by building a number of dams, and not EVEN A SINGLE WORK out of those projects have been completed! All thanks to Ajit Pawar himself who held the irrigation ministry when those expenditures were made!

Yes , hopefully even that irrigation episode comes out thick skinned can politicians get ? don;t they have Conscience at all ?

Money and power are very powerful things. I remember, some writer had said that 'power corrupts and great power corrupts in a great extent'. I am not sure about the words. But that is what the writer meant to say.

Power does corrupt to a certain extent but more so when the minds are filled with greed and self gratification only !

Money and power screwed brains of politician. Today one congress leader of MP said that for rapes only women are responsible.

Honestly , given a chance more than half of our netas are capable of rape and crime themselves so one can understand why they defend the rapists and put the blame on the women ! I blame the citizens of India for such a state of affairs , they cast votes even when they know the person's background and history

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Ajit Pawar is an extremely arrogant man and power has now gone to his head, which is why he made such insensitive shocking remarks insulting the people who are already going through very difficult times. These people have lost their livestock, their lands to the drought and now are being made fun of by none other than the second in command of the state! :angry: :angry: He should resign immediately and stop making further mess of the situation.

krishna pramod - How can a deputy CM make such an inhuman remark. If he can't do any anything for the farmer who is on a 64 day hunger strike then at least he should have shut his foul mouth. People have made such outrageous comments in the past and it is a sad fact that most of them hold high positions in the political scenario.

@ krishna pramod - The tragedy of this country is that when you have money and muscle power you become a politician and after that your life is made, no one can touch you !

Kalyani, I guess even Sharad pawar is quite corrupt but has been very diplomatic so far and carefully weighs his words, probably because he came up on his own,,whereas the nephew has come up because of his uncle and doesnt care for people, thinking that everything would be hunky dory as long as he has his relative to bless him!

Its true that Senior Pawar is also very corrupt, but at least he is very much tactful and takes great care to not appear so arrogant and crass as the nephew does. Ajit Pawar has surpassed his own arrogance and insensitivity on this particular occasion! Of note is the fact that the drought situation is not because of nature, but it has been artificially created by completely wrong decisions made wrt dams, water conservation, etc. what is more irritating is that 70 Thousand Crore has been spent till date on the pretext of improving water situations by building a number of dams, and not EVEN A SINGLE WORK out of those projects have been completed! All thanks to Ajit Pawar himself who held the irrigation ministry when those expenditures were made!

Yes , hopefully even that irrigation episode comes out thick skinned can politicians get ? don;t they have Conscience at all ?

Money and power are very powerful things. I remember, some writer had said that 'power corrupts and great power corrupts in a great extent'. I am not sure about the words. But that is what the writer meant to say.

Power does corrupt to a certain extent but more so when the minds are filled with greed and self gratification only !

Money and power screwed brains of politician. Today one congress leader of MP said that for rapes only women are responsible.

Honestly , given a chance more than half of our netas are capable of rape and crime themselves so one can understand why they defend the rapists and put the blame on the women ! I blame the citizens of India for such a state of affairs , they cast votes even when they know the person's background and history

The problem is that the votes of thousands of illiterate and poor people are what brings such people to power because these votes can be bought for a mere 1 or 2 thousands of rupees. People who are knowledgeable and literate and can make a difference do not vote at all. And as far as the politicians go, there are many prominent and extremely venerable politicians who have been known for their womanizing attributes! :blink: Even Rahul Gandhi is a known rapist for that matter! :ohmy: :unsure:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Either the political classes are totally insensitive or arrogant to the the extent that they become stupid and start digging their own graves with their words like Sharad Pawar's nephew and Maharashtra Deputy CM has done. His statements make you think, how a responsible leader can come up with something like that and more shockingly his followers seemed to love it going by their guffaws and laughs !

Did we ever question ourselves how these street goondas like Ajit Pawar came in to existence? Are we not responsible for bringing up such people? There is a saying quite suitable to the present scenario " Yadha Praja, Tadha Raja.". With the present state of Electorate, we cannot expect a better crop of leaders.
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