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There are some criminals who are worst than demons. They deserve death penalty. Being a peace loving country, India has voted against this.

The word "peace' has become a butt of laughter in the present turbulent scenario. No country wants to be a peace loving country, unless it wants to be crushed and trampled by headteachers.

Actually peace does not come into this since it is about punishment and death penalty and India does not want to give it up...I am sure most Indians would be happy with this decision...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Death penalty is barbaric and should be removed. In Britain and some other countries, this is removed. But it is not practicable to remove this in countries like India owing to terrorism and other extraordinary circumstances. However, death penalty is awarded only in rarest of the rare cases. India state this in U.N. general assembly.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

India has voted against the UN resolution banning death penalty along with many other nations, so far 39 to be exact...

Most people feel that death penalty should be banned in a civilised world, but opinions are divided ...In fact many people in India were against hanging kasab ..

A lot of opinions coming across the world on death penalty ban. According to me, There should be some severe kind of punishment. Then only the criminal rate can be reduced.

Born to express, not to impress.
Death penalty is barbaric and should be removed. In Britain and some other countries, this is removed. But it is not practicable to remove this in countries like India owing to terrorism and other extraordinary circumstances. However, death penalty is awarded only in rarest of the rare cases. India state this in U.N. general assembly.

Personally I too would go against death ban unless absolutely necessary like in the case of terrorists...even in the case of kasab, no matter he is the one who pulled the trigger but the command came from elsewhere and that is something that has to be analysed.I feel that a life long imprisonment would be better so that they live to regret what they have done..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

I am in favor of death penalty as there should be fear in mind of people so that they may rethink before doing big crimes like murder and it won't be a good justice if someone only gets away with life imprisonment for killing someone. :blink: :blink:
I am in favor of death penalty as there should be fear in mind of people so that they may rethink before doing big crimes like murder and it won't be a good justice if someone only gets away with life imprisonment for killing someone. :blink: :blink:

The criminal should feel that there will be a npunishmen6t for his crime
All of us in India have been enraged at what the terrorists did and Kasab was caught on camera ,,,with all that , till the last minute he never repented for his crime, which goes to show that death penalty has not worked,..he has probably been promised some great status for laying down his life.If he had been kept alive and made to repent every minute of his life, at some stage he would probably have realised the seriousness of his crime...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

All of us in India have been enraged at what the terrorists did and Kasab was caught on camera ,,,with all that , till the last minute he never repented for his crime, which goes to show that death penalty has not worked,..he has probably been promised some great status for laying down his life.If he had been kept alive and made to repent every minute of his life, at some stage he would probably have realised the seriousness of his crime...

But what is the use even if he repent after killing so many people.. they won't come back.. They fear for punishment other than death .. so life imprisonment with some severe punishment will make him die everyday. :angry:
All these terrorist are also humans so they have to regret for what they are doing some day..
India has voted against the UN resolution banning death penalty along with many other nations, so far 39 to be exact...

Most people feel that death penalty should be banned in a civilised world, but opinions are divided ...In fact many people in India were against hanging kasab ..

Unless there is a fear of punishment crime cannot be controlled. People who think that we are living in a civilized world need to think again and again. Are they not seeing the atrocities against women , children , nations ? Do they think that we are living in Ram Rajya?. Punishment should be there and it should be severe.

I too agree with that, we can see it happening all around us , unless they know that there will be strict measures taken people never want to fall in line..

A criminal can be reformed of course. But many criminals use the abolition of capital punishment for their advantage.
Such event happened . But kasav hanged and it was right punishment. Some crimes should be punished such.
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