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Women are very unsecured in our country.No one cares for the safety of women.If our savior does this type of crime whose door should women knock for their safety.It is very shameful for our country.

Very true Sharmishtha, the saddest part in this episode is the report given by the women's commission and its rep named Manjula , who blamed the girls and later of course she was criticised by everyone and had to apologise ...but goes to show that those in power only look after their interest, since Manjula has ambition of contesting the elections the next time round ! :dry:

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

It seems our society is turning into an uncivilized one gradually. Aren't the boys taught in their schools and homes that they have to respect women. I don't understand why do they turn into animals so often. :evil:

Live in the present :)
In most Indian middle class homes men are taught to respect the women within their family ONLY !! the rest do not matter and can be treated anyway they like.You can see it in their reaction when there is any kind of argument, the first thing they come up with is ' you are a woman and you have the guts to talk like this...I have seen this happen with other women who were fighting for their rights? This is the general attitude of men in our society...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

In most Indian middle class homes men are taught to respect the women within their family ONLY !! the rest do not matter and can be treated anyway they like.You can see it in their reaction when there is any kind of argument, the first thing they come up with is ' you are a woman and you have the guts to talk like this...I have seen this happen with other women who were fighting for their rights? This is the general attitude of men in our society...

Very true! The men of today (most of them) only know how to respect the women at their homes and the moment they step out of their houses all the women around are objects of play for them. :angry:

Live in the present :)
In most Indian middle class homes men are taught to respect the women within their family ONLY !! the rest do not matter and can be treated anyway they like.You can see it in their reaction when there is any kind of argument, the first thing they come up with is ' you are a woman and you have the guts to talk like this...I have seen this happen with other women who were fighting for their rights? This is the general attitude of men in our society...

Very true! The men of today (most of them) only know how to respect the women at their homes and the moment they step out of their houses all the women around are objects of play for them. :angry:

This is something that can be changed only within the home when parents teach their children to respect everyone equally ...Unless the mindset changes and people become less selfish in their attitude it is not possible to see any major change within our society !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

In most Indian middle class homes men are taught to respect the women within their family ONLY !! the rest do not matter and can be treated anyway they like.You can see it in their reaction when there is any kind of argument, the first thing they come up with is ' you are a woman and you have the guts to talk like this...I have seen this happen with other women who were fighting for their rights? This is the general attitude of men in our society...

Very true! The men of today (most of them) only know how to respect the women at their homes and the moment they step out of their houses all the women around are objects of play for them. :angry:

This is something that can be changed only within the home when parents teach their children to respect everyone equally ...Unless the mindset changes and people become less selfish in their attitude it is not possible to see any major change within our society !

The first step needs to be taken at home by instilling the basics of humanity in children. :) Then only we can hope that in future we may not have an account of such acts.

Live in the present :)
In most Indian middle class homes men are taught to respect the women within their family ONLY !! the rest do not matter and can be treated anyway they like.You can see it in their reaction when there is any kind of argument, the first thing they come up with is ' you are a woman and you have the guts to talk like this...I have seen this happen with other women who were fighting for their rights? This is the general attitude of men in our society...

Very true! The men of today (most of them) only know how to respect the women at their homes and the moment they step out of their houses all the women around are objects of play for them. :angry:

This is something that can be changed only within the home when parents teach their children to respect everyone equally ...Unless the mindset changes and people become less selfish in their attitude it is not possible to see any major change within our society !

The first step needs to be taken at home by instilling the basics of humanity in children. :) Then only we can hope that in future we may not have an account of such acts.

Yes very true ! Unless parents and teachers work towards shaping their entire personality which includes a lot more than just studies, it is not possible to imagine any change in the mind set of the people.Teaching habits like saying thank you,sorry and please are done with the idea of cultivating good manners and this has to be done even within the family members ...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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