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This is not at all effective in our country because of the politicians and bureaucrats won't let it happen in their own interests.

They of course try to manipulate everything to their advantage , legal system included.However, in ordinary cases this cannot hamper justice since there is no political involvement there..

I wish you knew the reality, that is altogether different. Politicians can influence the justice indirectly with pressure through different channels.

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The rules which are made in our legal system is good enough,but if we follow it.We are not following even half of it and that makes our legal system less effective.

Yes thats what I too feel, that the rules are fine and are being modified every now and then,they have introduced the system of family court to deal with domestic problems which apparently is running very efficiently..The problem is the sheer volume of cases..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

It's at the level of implementation that's administration of justice where this country has miserably failed. We have reached a flash point and standing at cross-roads!
It's at the level of implementation that's administration of justice where this country has miserably failed. We have reached a flash point and standing at cross-roads!

That I too agree with ! whereas , certain sections function well, there is a lot more that needs to be looked into .The other day I was reading about a news article in the local papers where 6 youngsters were jailed on suspicion and have been released after 3 years with absolutely no proof of their involvement in the crime they were supposed to have committed...I am sure there are hundreds of such cases across the country because the system is so lax !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Delay in justice is tantamount to denial or miscarriage of justice! The sooner our judicial authorities give due importance to this very basic concept of justice,the better!
Delay in justice is tantamount to denial or miscarriage of justice! The sooner our judicial authorities give due importance to this very basic concept of justice,the better!

True, but there is a problem there and the problem is that the people who have more money, power and political influence are the ones that are considered more worthy of getting any justice. Otherwise, how would the likes of a Salman Khan who on his drunken driving spree killed poor people, walk away scotfree without any punishment. He still is alive and enjoying his life well! :angry: :angry:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Delay in justice is tantamount to denial or miscarriage of justice! The sooner our judicial authorities give due importance to this very basic concept of justice,the better!

True, but there is a problem there and the problem is that the people who have more money, power and political influence are the ones that are considered more worthy of getting any justice. Otherwise, how would the likes of a Salman Khan who on his drunken driving spree killed poor people, walk away scotfree without any punishment. He still is alive and enjoying his life well! :angry: :angry:

It is also one of the gravest threat that has already produced several distortions in the system.Only we have to look at the US system to reform our deformed system! Even the most powerful President Nixon was not allowed to escape from its jaws. Recently Rajat Gupta has a taste of it!!
Delay in justice is tantamount to denial or miscarriage of justice! The sooner our judicial authorities give due importance to this very basic concept of justice,the better!

True, but there is a problem there and the problem is that the people who have more money, power and political influence are the ones that are considered more worthy of getting any justice. Otherwise, how would the likes of a Salman Khan who on his drunken driving spree killed poor people, walk away scotfree without any punishment. He still is alive and enjoying his life well! :angry: :angry:

It is also one of the gravest threat that has already produced several distortions in the system.Only we have to look at the US system to reform our deformed system! Even the most powerful President Nixon was not allowed to escape from its jaws. Recently Rajat Gupta has a taste of it!!

And that should be the general norm, because people should not be made larger than life, but in India it is exactly that way and for such people, laws are bent and twisted in every manner to let them walk free! :angry:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Legal system in our country is effective in its ineffectiveness. :laugh: :laugh: :unsure: :dry: :lol:

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
Legal system in our country is effective in its ineffectiveness. :laugh: :laugh: :unsure: :dry: :lol:

Given the sheer numbers and meddling by the ruling class, it is not easy for the legal fraternity to do full justice, but they are trying to do the best under the circumstances...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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