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Right Chinmoy- Implementation is the main issue. The mafia, money, muscle power always escape law. Justice has been done in some cases on intervening role of media. Not only law but public awakening is also necessary.

Good night Chninmoy and all.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes,things can only change for the better when people become or made aware of their rights and their true enforcement.

Good night to you,Gulshan!
Yes,things can only change for the better when people become or made aware of their rights and their true enforcement.

Good night to you,Gulshan!
Yes through rape a "woman" figure is coming to mind always.By the new term it may extinct.

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Let us see whether this terminological improvement would bring about any significant change in the ground realities.We are a nation which loves to play with words.
Terminological change does not affect the ground reality. We need to bring about real gender equality and do away with double standards.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Terminology has no matter.But it is a step to rethink and law updation.

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Absolutely right Gulshan! We need serious enforcement of laws to bring the guilty to book.
Indian Penal Code was designed years ago.It is time to introduce new punishments in it.

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Abid- Presently, there are three punishments in I.P.C. Imprisonment- simple or rigorous for certain number of years or life, fine and death penalty. Death penalty is rare and generally the sentence is of imprisonment or fine or both.

What new punishments you suggest. should Kala Pani (Banishment) and flogging be introduced?

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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